Linux lhjmq-records 5.15.0-118-generic #128-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 5 09:28:59 UTC 2024 x86_64
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- vim: fileencoding=utf-8 :
import contextlib
import textwrap
import weakref
from abc import ABC
from types import TracebackType
from weakref import ReferenceType
from debian._deb822_repro.formatter import (
FormatterContentToken, one_value_per_line_trailing_separator, format_field,
from debian._util import (
resolve_ref, LinkedList, LinkedListNode, OrderedSet, _strI, default_field_sort_key,
from debian._deb822_repro.types import AmbiguousDeb822FieldKeyError
from debian._deb822_repro.tokens import (
Deb822Token, Deb822ValueToken, Deb822SemanticallySignificantWhiteSpace,
Deb822SpaceSeparatorToken, Deb822CommentToken, Deb822WhitespaceToken,
Deb822ValueContinuationToken, Deb822NewlineAfterValueToken, Deb822CommaToken,
Deb822FieldNameToken, Deb822FieldSeparatorToken, Deb822ErrorToken,
tokenize_deb822_file, comma_split_tokenizer, whitespace_split_tokenizer,
from debian._deb822_repro._util import (combine_into_replacement, BufferingIterator,
from typing import (
Iterable, Iterator, List, Union, Dict, Optional, Callable, Any, Generic, Type, Tuple, IO,
cast, overload, Mapping, TYPE_CHECKING,
from debian._util import T
# for some reason, pylint does not see that Commentish is used in typing
from debian._deb822_repro.types import ( # pylint: disable=unused-import
ParagraphKey, TokenOrElement, Commentish, ParagraphKeyBase,
StreamingValueParser = Callable[[Deb822Token, BufferingIterator[Deb822Token]], VE]
StrToValueParser = Callable[[str], Iterable[Union['Deb822Token', VE]]]
KVPNode = LinkedListNode['Deb822KeyValuePairElement']
except ImportError:
cast = lambda t, v: v
overload = lambda f: None
class ValueReference(Generic[TE]):
"""Reference to a value inside a Deb822 paragraph
This is useful for cases where want to modify values "in-place" or maybe
conditionally remove a value after looking at it.
ValueReferences can be invalidated by various changes or actions performed
to the underlying provider of the value reference. As an example, sorting
a list of values will generally invalidate all ValueReferences related to
that list.
The ValueReference will raise validity issues where it detects them but most
of the time it will not notice. As a means to this end, the ValueReference
will *not* keep a strong reference to the underlying value. This enables it
to detect when the container goes out of scope. However, keep in mind that
the timeliness of garbage collection is implementation defined (e.g., pypy
does not use ref-counting).
__slots__ = ('_node', '_render', '_value_factory', '_removal_handler', '_mutation_notifier')
def __init__(self,
node, # type: LinkedListNode[TE]
render, # type: Callable[[TE], str]
value_factory, # type: Callable[[str], TE]
removal_handler, # type: Callable[[LinkedListNode[TokenOrElement]], None]
mutation_notifier, # type: Optional[Callable[[], None]]
self._node = weakref.ref(node) # type: Optional[ReferenceType[LinkedListNode[TE]]]
self._render = render
self._value_factory = value_factory
self._removal_handler = removal_handler
self._mutation_notifier = mutation_notifier
def _resolve_node(self):
# type: () -> LinkedListNode[TE]
# NB: We check whether the "ref" itself is None (instead of the ref resolving to None)
# This enables us to tell the difference between "known removal" vs. "garbage collected"
if self._node is None:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot use ValueReference after remove()")
node = self._node()
if node is None:
raise RuntimeError("ValueReference is invalid (garbage collected)")
return node
def value(self):
# type: () -> str
"""Resolve the reference into a str"""
return self._render(self._resolve_node().value)
def value(self, new_value):
# type: (str) -> None
"""Update the reference value
Updating the value via this method will *not* invalidate the reference (or other
references to the same container).
This can raise an exception of the new value does not follow the requirements
for the referenced values. As an example, values in whitespace separated
lists cannot contain spaces and would trigger an exception.
self._resolve_node().value = self._value_factory(new_value)
if self._mutation_notifier is not None:
def remove(self):
# type: () -> None
"""Remove the underlying value
This will invalidate the ValueReference (and any other ValueReferences pointing
to that exact value). The validity of other ValueReferences to that container
remains unaffected.
self._removal_handler(cast('LinkedListNode[TokenOrElement]', self._resolve_node()))
self._node = None
class Deb822ParsedTokenList(Generic[VE, ST],
contextlib.AbstractContextManager['Deb822ParsedTokenList[VE, ST]']
def __init__(self,
kvpair_element, # type: 'Deb822KeyValuePairElement'
interpreted_value_element, # type: 'List[TokenOrElement]'
vtype, # type: Type[VE]
stype, # type: Type[ST]
str2value_parser, # type: StrToValueParser[VE]
default_separator_factory, # type: Callable[[], ST]
render, # type: Callable[[VE], str]
# type: (...) -> None
self._kvpair_element = kvpair_element
self._token_list = LinkedList(interpreted_value_element)
self._vtype = vtype
self._stype = stype
self._str2value_parser = str2value_parser
self._default_separator_factory = default_separator_factory
self._value_factory = _parser_to_value_factory(str2value_parser, vtype)
self._render = render
self._format_preserve_original_formatting = True
self._formatter = one_value_per_line_trailing_separator # type: FormatterCallback
self._changed = False
self.__continuation_line_char = None # type: Optional[str]
assert self._token_list
last_token = self._token_list.tail
if last_token is not None and isinstance(last_token, Deb822NewlineAfterValueToken):
# We always remove the last newline (if present), because then
# adding values will happen after the last value rather than on
# a new line by default.
# On write, we always ensure the value ends on a newline (even
# if it did not before). This is simpler and should be a
# non-issue in practise.
def __iter__(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[str]
yield from (self._render(v) for v in self.value_parts)
def __bool__(self):
# type: () -> bool
return next(iter(self), None) is not None
def __exit__(self,
exc_type, # type: Optional[Type[BaseException]]
exc_val, # type: Optional[BaseException]
exc_tb, # type: Optional[TracebackType]
# type: (...) -> Optional[bool]
if exc_type is None and self._changed:
return super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
def value_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[VE]
yield from (v for v in self._token_list if isinstance(v, self._vtype))
def _mark_changed(self):
# type: () -> None
self._changed = True
def iter_value_references(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[ValueReference[VE]]
"""Iterate over all values in the list (as ValueReferences)
This is useful for doing inplace modification of the values or even
streaming removal of field values. It is in general also more
efficient when more than one value is updated or removed.
yield from (ValueReference(
cast('LinkedListNode[VE]', n),
) for n in self._token_list.iter_nodes()
if isinstance(n.value, self._vtype)
def append_separator(self, space_after_separator=True):
# type: (bool) -> None
separator_token = self._default_separator_factory()
if separator_token.is_whitespace:
space_after_separator = False
self._changed = True
if space_after_separator and not separator_token.is_whitespace:
self._token_list.append(Deb822WhitespaceToken(' '))
def replace(self, orig_value, new_value):
# type: (str, str) -> None
"""Replace the first instance of a value with another
This method will *not* affect the validity of ValueReferences.
vtype = self._vtype
for node in self._token_list.iter_nodes():
if isinstance(node.value, vtype) and self._render(node.value) == orig_value:
node.value = self._value_factory(new_value)
self._changed = True
raise ValueError("list.replace(x, y): x not in list")
def remove(self, value):
# type: (str) -> None
"""Remove the first instance of a value
Removal will invalidate ValueReferences to the value being removed.
ValueReferences to other values will be unaffected.
vtype = self._vtype
for node in self._token_list.iter_nodes():
if isinstance(node.value, vtype) and self._render(node.value) == value:
node_to_remove = node
raise ValueError("list.remove(x): x not in list")
return self._remove_node(node_to_remove)
def _remove_node(self, node_to_remove):
# type: (LinkedListNode[TokenOrElement]) -> None
vtype = self._vtype
self._changed = True
# We naively want to remove the node and every thing to the left of it
# until the previous value. That is the basic idea for now (ignoring
# special-cases for now).
# Example:
# """
# Multiline-Keywords: bar[
# # Comment about foo
# foo]
# baz
# Keywords: bar[ foo] baz
# Comma-List: bar[, foo], baz,
# Multiline-Comma-List: bar[,
# # Comment about foo
# foo],
# baz,
# """
# Assuming we want to remove "foo" for the lists, the []-markers
# show what we aim to remove. This has the nice side-effect of
# preserving whether nor not the value has a trailing separator.
# Note that we do *not* attempt to repair missing separators but
# it may fix duplicated separators by "accident".
# Now, there are two special cases to be aware of, where this approach
# has short comings:
# 1) If foo is the only value (in which case, "delete everything"
# is the only option).
# 2) If foo is the first value
# 3) If foo is not the only value on the line and we see a comment
# inside the deletion range.
# For 2) + 3), we attempt to flip and range to delete and every
# thing after it (up to but exclusion "baz") instead. This
# definitely fixes 3), but 2) has yet another corner case, namely:
# """
# Multiline-Comma-List: foo,
# # Remark about bar
# bar,
# Another-Case: foo
# # Remark, also we use leading separator
# , bar
# """
# The options include:
# A) Discard the comment - brain-dead simple
# B) Hoist the comment up to a field comment, but then what if the
# field already has a comment?
# C) Clear the first value line leaving just the newline and
# replace the separator before "bar" (if present) with a space.
# (leaving you with the value of the form "\n# ...\n bar")
first_value_on_lhs = None # type: Optional[LinkedListNode[TokenOrElement]]
first_value_on_rhs = None # type: Optional[LinkedListNode[TokenOrElement]]
comment_before_previous_value = False
comment_before_next_value = False
for past_node in node_to_remove.iter_previous(skip_current=True):
past_token = past_node.value
if isinstance(past_token, Deb822Token) and past_token.is_comment:
comment_before_previous_value = True
if isinstance(past_token, vtype):
first_value_on_lhs = past_node
for future_node in node_to_remove.iter_next(skip_current=True):
future_token = future_node.value
if isinstance(future_token, Deb822Token) and future_token.is_comment:
comment_before_next_value = True
if isinstance(future_token, vtype):
first_value_on_rhs = future_node
if first_value_on_rhs is None and first_value_on_lhs is None:
# This was the last value, just remove everything.
if first_value_on_lhs is not None and not comment_before_previous_value:
# Delete left
delete_lhs_of_node = True
elif first_value_on_rhs is not None and not comment_before_next_value:
# Delete right
delete_lhs_of_node = False
# There is a comment on either side (or no value on one and a
# comment and the other). Keep it simple, we just delete to
# one side (preferring deleting to left if possible).
delete_lhs_of_node = first_value_on_lhs is not None
if delete_lhs_of_node:
first_remain_lhs = first_value_on_lhs
first_remain_rhs = node_to_remove.next_node
first_remain_lhs = node_to_remove.previous_node
first_remain_rhs = first_value_on_rhs
# Actual deletion - with some manual labour to update HEAD/TAIL of
# the list in case we do a "delete everything left/right this node".
if first_remain_lhs is None:
self._token_list.head_node = first_remain_rhs
if first_remain_rhs is None:
self._token_list.tail_node = first_remain_lhs
LinkedListNode.link_nodes(first_remain_lhs, first_remain_rhs)
def append(self, value):
# type: (str) -> None
vt = self._value_factory(value)
def append_value(self, vt):
# type: (VE) -> None
value_parts = self._token_list
if value_parts:
needs_separator = False
stype = self._stype
vtype = self._vtype
for t in reversed(value_parts):
if isinstance(t, vtype):
needs_separator = True
if isinstance(t, stype):
if needs_separator:
# Looks nicer if there is a space before the very first value
self._token_list.append(Deb822WhitespaceToken(' '))
self._changed = True
def _previous_is_newline(self):
# type: () -> bool
tail = self._token_list.tail
return tail is not None and tail.convert_to_text().endswith("\n")
def append_newline(self):
# type: () -> None
if self._previous_is_newline():
raise ValueError("Cannot add a newline after a token that ends on a newline")
def append_comment(self, comment_text):
# type: (str) -> None
tail = self._token_list.tail
if tail is None or not tail.convert_to_text().endswith('\n'):
comment_token = Deb822CommentToken(_format_comment(comment_text))
def _continuation_line_char(self):
# type: () -> str
char = self.__continuation_line_char
if char is None:
# Use ' ' by default but match the existing field if possible.
char = ' '
for token in self._token_list:
if isinstance(token, Deb822ValueContinuationToken):
char = token.text
self.__continuation_line_char = char
return char
def _append_continuation_line_token_if_necessary(self):
# type: () -> None
tail = self._token_list.tail
if tail is not None and tail.convert_to_text().endswith("\n"):
def reformat_when_finished(self):
# type: () -> None
self._changed = True
def _enable_reformatting(self):
# type: () -> None
self._format_preserve_original_formatting = False
def no_reformatting_when_finished(self):
# type: () -> None
self._format_preserve_original_formatting = True
def value_formatter(self,
formatter, # type: FormatterCallback
force_reformat=False, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> None
"""Use a custom formatter when formatting the value
:param formatter: A formatter (see debian._deb822_repro.formatter.format_field
for details)
:param force_reformat: If True, always reformat the field even if there are
no (other) changes performed. By default, fields are only reformatted if
they are changed.
self._formatter = formatter
self._format_preserve_original_formatting = False
if force_reformat:
self._changed = True
def _iter_content_as_tokens(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[Deb822Token]
for te in self._token_list:
if isinstance(te, Deb822Element):
yield from te.iter_tokens()
yield te
def _generate_reformatted_field_content(self):
# type: () -> str
separator_token = self._default_separator_factory()
vtype = self._vtype
stype = self._stype
token_list = self._token_list
def _token_iter():
# type: () -> Iterator[FormatterContentToken]
text = "" # type: str
for te in token_list:
if isinstance(te, Deb822Token):
if te.is_comment:
yield FormatterContentToken.comment_token(te.text)
elif isinstance(te, stype):
text = te.text
yield FormatterContentToken.separator_token(text)
assert isinstance(te, vtype)
text = te.convert_to_text()
yield FormatterContentToken.value_token(text)
return format_field(self._formatter,
def _generate_field_content(self):
# type: () -> str
return "".join(t.text for t in self._iter_content_as_tokens())
def _update_field(self):
# type: () -> None
kvpair_element = self._kvpair_element
field_name = kvpair_element.field_name
token_list = self._token_list
tail = token_list.tail
for t in self._iter_content_as_tokens():
if not t.is_comment and not t.is_whitespace:
raise ValueError("Field must have content (i.e. non-whitespace and non-comments)")
assert tail is not None
if isinstance(tail, Deb822Token) and tail.is_comment:
raise ValueError("Fields must not end on a comment")
if not tail.convert_to_text().endswith("\n"):
# Always end on a newline
if self._format_preserve_original_formatting:
value_text = self._generate_field_content()
text = ':'.join((field_name, value_text))
text = self._generate_reformatted_field_content()
new_content = text.splitlines(keepends=True)
# As absurd as it might seem, it is easier to just use the parser to
# construct the AST correctly
deb822_file = parse_deb822_file(iter(new_content))
error_token = deb822_file.find_first_error_element()
if error_token:
# _print_ast(deb822_file)
raise ValueError("Syntax error in new field value for " + field_name)
paragraph = next(iter(deb822_file))
assert isinstance(paragraph, Deb822NoDuplicateFieldsParagraphElement)
new_kvpair_element = paragraph.get_kvpair_element(field_name)
assert new_kvpair_element is not None
kvpair_element.value_element = new_kvpair_element.value_element
self._changed = False
def sort_elements(self, *,
key=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[VE], Any]]
reverse=False, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> None
"""Sort the elements (abstract values) in this list.
This method will sort the logical values of the list. It will
attempt to preserve comments associated with a given value where
possible. Whether space and separators are preserved depends on
the contents of the field as well as the formatting settings.
Sorting (without reformatting) is likely to leave you with "awkward"
whitespace. Therefore, you almost always want to apply reformatting
such as the reformat_when_finished() method.
Sorting will invalidate all ValueReferences.
comment_start_node = None
vtype = self._vtype
stype = self._stype
def key_func(x):
# type: (Tuple[VE, List[TokenOrElement]]) -> Any
if key:
return key(x[0])
return x[0].convert_to_text()
parts = []
for node in self._token_list.iter_nodes():
value = node.value
if isinstance(value, Deb822Token) and value.is_comment:
if comment_start_node is None:
comment_start_node = node
if isinstance(value, vtype):
comments = []
if comment_start_node is not None:
for keep_node in comment_start_node.iter_next(skip_current=False):
if keep_node is node:
parts.append((value, comments))
comment_start_node = None
parts.sort(key=key_func, reverse=reverse)
self._changed = True
first_value = True
separator_is_space = self._default_separator_factory().is_whitespace
for value, comments in parts:
if first_value:
first_value = False
if comments:
# While unlikely, there could be a separator between the comments.
# It would be in the way and we remove it.
comments = [x for x in comments if not isinstance(x, stype)]
# Comments cannot start the field, so inject a newline to
# work around that
if not separator_is_space and not any(isinstance(x, stype) for x in comments):
# While unlikely, you can hide a comma between two comments and expect
# us to preserve it. However, the more common case is that the separator
# appeared before the comments and was thus omitted (leaving us to re-add
# it here).
if comments:
self._token_list.append(Deb822WhitespaceToken(' '))
def sort(self,
key=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]]
**kwargs, # type: Any
# type: (...) -> None
"""Sort the values (rendered as str) in this list.
This method will sort the logical values of the list. It will
attempt to preserve comments associated with a given value where
possible. Whether space and separators are preserved depends on
the contents of the field as well as the formatting settings.
Sorting (without reformatting) is likely to leave you with "awkward"
whitespace. Therefore, you almost always want to apply reformatting
such as the reformat_when_finished() method.
Sorting will invalidate all ValueReferences.
if key is not None:
render = self._render
kwargs['key'] = lambda vt: key(render(vt))
class Interpretation(Generic[T]):
def interpret(self,
kvpair_element, # type: Deb822KeyValuePairElement
discard_comments_on_read=True, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> T
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
class GenericContentBasedInterpretation(Interpretation[T], Generic[T, VE]):
def __init__(self,
tokenizer, # type: Callable[[str], Iterable['Deb822Token']]
value_parser, # type: StreamingValueParser[VE]
# type: (...) -> None
self._tokenizer = tokenizer
self._value_parser = value_parser
def _high_level_interpretation(self,
kvpair_element, # type: Deb822KeyValuePairElement
token_list, # type: List['TokenOrElement']
discard_comments_on_read=True, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> T
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def _parse_stream(self,
buffered_iterator, # type: BufferingIterator[Deb822Token]
# type: (...) -> Iterable[Union[Deb822Token, VE]]
value_parser = self._value_parser
for token in buffered_iterator:
if isinstance(token, Deb822ValueToken):
yield value_parser(token, buffered_iterator)
yield token
def _parse_kvpair(
kvpair, # type: Deb822KeyValuePairElement
# type: (...) -> Iterable[Union[Deb822Token, VE]]
content = kvpair.value_element.convert_to_text()
yield from self._parse_str(content)
def _parse_str(self, content):
# type: (str) -> Iterable[Union[Deb822Token, VE]]
content_len = len(content)
biter = BufferingIterator(len_check_iterator(content,
yield from len_check_iterator(content,
def interpret(self,
kvpair_element, # type: Deb822KeyValuePairElement
discard_comments_on_read=True, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> T
token_list = [] # type: List['TokenOrElement']
return self._high_level_interpretation(kvpair_element,
def _parser_to_value_factory(parser, # type: StrToValueParser[VE]
vtype, # type: Type[VE]
# type: (...) -> Callable[[str], VE]
def _value_factory(v):
# type: (str) -> VE
if v == '':
raise ValueError("The empty string is not a value")
token_iter = iter(parser(v))
t1 = next(token_iter, None) # type: Optional[Union[TokenOrElement]]
t2 = next(token_iter, None)
assert t1 is not None, 'Bad parser - it returned None (or no TE) for "' + v + '"'
if t2 is not None:
msg = textwrap.dedent("""\
The input "{v}" should have been exactly one element, but the parser provided at
least two. This can happen with unnecessary leading/trailing whitespace
or including commas the value for a comma list.
raise ValueError(msg)
if not isinstance(t1, vtype):
if isinstance(t1, Deb822Token) and (t1.is_comment or t1.is_whitespace):
raise ValueError('The input "{v}" is whitespace or a comment: Expected a value')
msg = 'The input "{v}" should have produced a element of type {vtype_name}, but' \
' instead it produced {t1}'
raise ValueError(msg.format(v=v, vtype_name=vtype.__name__, t1=t1))
assert len(t1.convert_to_text()) == len(v), \
"Bad tokenizer - the token did not cover the input text" \
" exactly ({t1_len} != {v_len}".format(
t1_len=len(t1.convert_to_text()), v_len=len(v)
return t1
return _value_factory
class ListInterpretation(GenericContentBasedInterpretation[Deb822ParsedTokenList[VE, ST], VE]):
def __init__(self,
tokenizer, # type: Callable[[str], Iterable['Deb822Token']]
value_parser, # type: StreamingValueParser[VE]
vtype, # type: Type[VE]
stype, # type: Type[ST]
default_separator_factory, # type: Callable[[], ST]
render_factory, # type: Callable[[bool], Callable[[VE], str]]
# type: (...) -> None
super().__init__(tokenizer, value_parser)
self._vtype = vtype
self._stype = stype
self._default_separator_factory = default_separator_factory
self._render_factory = render_factory
def _high_level_interpretation(self,
kvpair_element, # type: Deb822KeyValuePairElement
token_list, # type: List['TokenOrElement']
discard_comments_on_read=True, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Deb822ParsedTokenList[VE, ST]
return Deb822ParsedTokenList(
def _parse_whitespace_list_value(token, _):
# type: (Deb822Token, BufferingIterator[Deb822Token]) -> Deb822ParsedValueElement
return Deb822ParsedValueElement([token])
def _is_comma_token(v):
# type: (TokenOrElement) -> bool
# Consume tokens until the next comma
return isinstance(v, Deb822CommaToken)
def _parse_comma_list_value(token, buffered_iterator):
# type: (Deb822Token, BufferingIterator[Deb822Token]) -> Deb822ParsedValueElement
comma_offset = buffered_iterator.peek_find(_is_comma_token)
value_parts = [token]
if comma_offset is not None:
# The value is followed by a comma and now we know where it ends
value_parts.extend(buffered_iterator.peek_many(comma_offset - 1))
# The value is the last value there is. Consume all remaining tokens
# and then trim from the right.
while value_parts and not isinstance(value_parts[-1], Deb822ValueToken):
buffered_iterator.consume_many(len(value_parts) - 1)
return Deb822ParsedValueElement(value_parts)
def _parse_uploaders_list_value(token, buffered_iterator):
# type: (Deb822Token, BufferingIterator[Deb822Token]) -> Deb822ParsedValueElement
# This is similar to _parse_comma_list_value *except* that there is an extra special
# case. Namely comma only counts as a true separator if it follows ">"
value_parts = [token]
comma_offset = -1 # type: Optional[int]
while comma_offset is not None:
comma_offset = buffered_iterator.peek_find(_is_comma_token)
if comma_offset is not None:
# The value is followed by a comma. Verify that this is a terminating
# comma (comma may appear in the name or email)
# We include value_parts[-1] to easily cope with the common case of
# "foo <>," where we will have 0 peeked element to examine.
peeked_elements = [value_parts[-1]]
peeked_elements.extend(buffered_iterator.peek_many(comma_offset - 1))
comma_was_separator = False
i = len(peeked_elements) - 1
while i >= 0:
token = peeked_elements[i]
if isinstance(token, Deb822ValueToken):
if token.text.endswith(">"):
# The comma terminates the value
assert isinstance(value_parts[-1], Deb822ValueToken) and \
value_parts[-1].text.endswith('>'), "Got: " + str(value_parts)
comma_was_separator = True
i -= 1
if comma_was_separator:
assert isinstance(value_parts[-1], Deb822CommaToken)
# The value is the last value there is. Consume all remaining tokens
# and then trim from the right.
remaining_part = buffered_iterator.peek_buffer()
consume_elements = len(remaining_part)
while value_parts and not isinstance(value_parts[-1], Deb822ValueToken):
consume_elements -= 1
return Deb822ParsedValueElement(value_parts)
class Deb822Element:
"""Composite elements (consists of 1 or more tokens)"""
__slots__ = ('_parent_element', '__weakref__')
def __init__(self):
# type: () -> None
self._parent_element = None # type: Optional[ReferenceType['Deb822Element']]
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def iter_parts_of_type(self, only_element_or_token_type):
# type: (Type[TE]) -> Iterable[TE]
for part in self.iter_parts():
if isinstance(part, only_element_or_token_type):
yield part
def iter_tokens(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[Deb822Token]
for part in self.iter_parts():
# Control check to catch bugs early
assert part._parent_element is not None
if isinstance(part, Deb822Element):
yield from part.iter_tokens()
yield part
def iter_recurse(self, *,
only_element_or_token_type=None, # type: Optional[Type[TE]]
# type: (...) -> Iterable[TE]
for part in self.iter_parts():
if only_element_or_token_type is None or isinstance(part, only_element_or_token_type):
yield cast('TE', part)
if isinstance(part, Deb822Element):
yield from part.iter_recurse(only_element_or_token_type=only_element_or_token_type)
def parent_element(self):
# type: () -> Optional[Deb822Element]
return resolve_ref(self._parent_element)
def parent_element(self, new_parent):
# type: (Optional[Deb822Element]) -> None
self._parent_element = weakref.ref(new_parent) if new_parent is not None else None
def _init_parent_of_parts(self):
# type: () -> None
for part in self.iter_parts():
part.parent_element = self
# Deliberately not a "text" property, to signal that it is not necessary cheap.
def convert_to_text(self):
# type: () -> str
return "".join(t.text for t in self.iter_tokens())
def clear_parent_if_parent(self, parent):
# type: (Deb822Element) -> None
if parent is self.parent_element:
self._parent_element = None
class Deb822ErrorElement(Deb822Element):
"""Element representing elements or tokens that are out of place
Commonly, it will just be instances of Deb822ErrorToken, but it can be other
things. As an example if a parser discovers out of order elements/tokens,
it can bundle them in a Deb822ErrorElement to signal that the sequence of
elements/tokens are invalid (even if the tokens themselves are valid).
__slots__ = ('_parts',)
def __init__(self, parts):
# type: (List[TokenOrElement]) -> None
self._parts = parts
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
yield from self._parts
class Deb822ValueLineElement(Deb822Element):
"""Consists of one "line" of a value"""
__slots__ = ('_comment_element', '_continuation_line_token', '_leading_whitespace_token',
'_value_tokens', '_trailing_whitespace_token', '_newline_token')
def __init__(self,
comment_element, # type: Optional[Deb822CommentElement]
continuation_line_token, # type: Optional[Deb822ValueContinuationToken]
leading_whitespace_token, # type: Optional[Deb822WhitespaceToken]
value_parts, # type: List[TokenOrElement]
trailing_whitespace_token, # type: Optional[Deb822WhitespaceToken]
# only optional if it is the last line of the file and the file does not
# end with a newline.
newline_token, # type: Optional[Deb822WhitespaceToken]
# type: (...) -> None
if comment_element is not None and continuation_line_token is None:
raise ValueError("Only continuation lines can have comments")
self._comment_element = comment_element # type: Optional[Deb822CommentElement]
self._continuation_line_token = continuation_line_token
self._leading_whitespace_token = \
leading_whitespace_token # type: Optional[Deb822WhitespaceToken]
self._value_tokens = value_parts # type: List[TokenOrElement]
self._trailing_whitespace_token = trailing_whitespace_token
self._newline_token = newline_token # type: Optional[Deb822WhitespaceToken]
def comment_element(self):
# type: () -> Optional[Deb822CommentElement]
return self._comment_element
def continuation_line_token(self):
# type: () -> Optional[Deb822ValueContinuationToken]
return self._continuation_line_token
def newline_token(self):
# type: () -> Optional[Deb822WhitespaceToken]
return self._newline_token
def add_newline_if_missing(self):
# type: () -> None
if self._newline_token is None:
self._newline_token = Deb822NewlineAfterValueToken()
self._newline_token.parent_element = self
def _iter_content_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
if self._leading_whitespace_token:
yield self._leading_whitespace_token
yield from self._value_tokens
if self._trailing_whitespace_token:
yield self._trailing_whitespace_token
def _iter_content_tokens(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[Deb822Token]
for part in self._iter_content_parts():
if isinstance(part, Deb822Element):
yield from part.iter_tokens()
yield part
def convert_content_to_text(self):
# type: () -> str
if len(self._value_tokens) == 1 \
and not self._leading_whitespace_token \
and not self._trailing_whitespace_token \
and isinstance(self._value_tokens[0], Deb822Token):
# By default, we get a single value spanning the entire line
# (minus continuation line and newline but we are supposed to
# exclude those)
return self._value_tokens[0].text
return "".join(t.text for t in self._iter_content_tokens())
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
if self._comment_element:
yield self._comment_element
if self._continuation_line_token:
yield self._continuation_line_token
yield from self._iter_content_parts()
if self._newline_token:
yield self._newline_token
class Deb822ValueElement(Deb822Element):
__slots__ = ('_value_entry_elements',)
def __init__(self, value_entry_elements):
# type: (List[Deb822ValueLineElement]) -> None
self._value_entry_elements = value_entry_elements # type: List[Deb822ValueLineElement]
def value_lines(self):
# type: () -> List[Deb822ValueLineElement]
"""Read-only list of value entries"""
return self._value_entry_elements
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
yield from self._value_entry_elements
def add_final_newline_if_missing(self):
# type: () -> None
if self._value_entry_elements:
class Deb822ParsedValueElement(Deb822Element):
__slots__ = ('_text_cached', '_text_no_comments_cached', '_token_list')
def __init__(self, tokens):
# type: (List[Deb822Token]) -> None
self._token_list = tokens
if not isinstance(tokens[0], Deb822ValueToken) or \
not isinstance(tokens[-1], Deb822ValueToken):
raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + " MUST start and end on a Deb822ValueToken")
if len(tokens) == 1:
token = tokens[0]
self._text_cached = token.text # type: Optional[str]
self._text_no_comments_cached = token.text # type: Optional[str]
self._text_cached = None
self._text_no_comments_cached = None
def convert_to_text(self):
# type: () -> str
if self._text_no_comments_cached is None:
self._text_no_comments_cached = super().convert_to_text()
return self._text_no_comments_cached
def convert_to_text_without_comments(self):
# type: () -> str
if self._text_no_comments_cached is None:
self._text_no_comments_cached = "".join(t.text
for t in self.iter_tokens()
if not t.is_comment)
return self._text_no_comments_cached
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
yield from self._token_list
class Deb822CommentElement(Deb822Element):
__slots__ = ('_comment_tokens',)
def __init__(self, comment_tokens):
# type: (List[Deb822CommentToken]) -> None
self._comment_tokens = comment_tokens # type: List[Deb822CommentToken]
if not comment_tokens: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("Comment elements must have at least one comment token")
def __len__(self):
# type: () -> int
return len(self._comment_tokens)
def __getitem__(self, item):
# type: (int) -> Deb822CommentToken
return self._comment_tokens[item]
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
yield from self._comment_tokens
class Deb822KeyValuePairElement(Deb822Element):
__slots__ = ('_comment_element', '_field_token', '_separator_token', '_value_element')
def __init__(self,
comment_element, # type: Optional[Deb822CommentElement]
field_token, # type: Deb822FieldNameToken
separator_token, # type: Deb822FieldSeparatorToken
value_element, # type: Deb822ValueElement
# type: (...) -> None
self._comment_element = comment_element # type: Optional[Deb822CommentElement]
self._field_token = field_token # type: Deb822FieldNameToken
self._separator_token = separator_token # type: Deb822FieldSeparatorToken
self._value_element = value_element # type: Deb822ValueElement
def field_name(self):
# type: () -> _strI
return self.field_token.text
def field_token(self):
# type: () -> Deb822FieldNameToken
return self._field_token
def value_element(self):
# type: () -> Deb822ValueElement
return self._value_element
def value_element(self, new_value):
# type: (Deb822ValueElement) -> None
self._value_element = new_value
new_value.parent_element = self
def interpret_as(self,
interpreter, # type: Interpretation[T]
discard_comments_on_read=True, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> T
return interpreter.interpret(self, discard_comments_on_read=discard_comments_on_read)
def comment_element(self):
# type: () -> Optional[Deb822CommentElement]
return self._comment_element
def comment_element(self, value):
# type: (Optional[Deb822CommentElement]) -> None
if value is not None:
if not value[-1].text.endswith("\n"):
raise ValueError("Field comments must end with a newline")
if self._comment_element:
if value is not None:
value.parent_element = self
self._comment_element = value
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
if self._comment_element:
yield self._comment_element
yield self._field_token
yield self._separator_token
yield self._value_element
def _format_comment(c):
# type: (str) -> str
if c == '':
# Special-case: Empty strings are mapped to an empty comment line
return "#\n"
if '\n' in c[:-1]:
raise ValueError("Comment lines must not have embedded newlines")
if not c.endswith('\n'):
c = c.rstrip() + "\n"
if not c.startswith("#"):
c = "# " + c.lstrip()
return c
def _unpack_key(item, # type: ParagraphKey
raise_if_indexed=False, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Tuple[_strI, Optional[int], Optional[Deb822FieldNameToken]]
index = None # type: Optional[int]
name_token = None # type: Optional[Deb822FieldNameToken]
if isinstance(item, tuple):
key, index = item
if raise_if_indexed:
# Fudge "(key, 0)" into a "key" callers to defensively support
# both paragraph styles with the same key.
if index != 0:
msg = 'Cannot resolve key "{key}" with index {index}. The key is not indexed'
raise KeyError(msg.format(key=key, index=index))
index = None
key = _strI(key)
index = None
if isinstance(item, Deb822FieldNameToken):
name_token = item
key = name_token.text
key = _strI(item)
return key, index, name_token
def _convert_value_lines_to_lines(value_lines, # type: Iterable[Deb822ValueLineElement]
strip_comments, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Iterable[str]
if not strip_comments:
yield from (v.convert_to_text() for v in value_lines)
for element in value_lines:
yield ''.join(x.text for x in element.iter_tokens()
if not x.is_comment)
# Deb822ParagraphElement uses this Mixin (by having `_paragraph` return self).
# Therefore the Mixin needs to call the "proper" methods on the paragraph to
# avoid doing infinite recursion.
class AutoResolvingMixin(Generic[T],[ParagraphKey, T]):
def _auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields(self):
# type: () -> bool
return True
def _paragraph(self):
# type: () -> Deb822ParagraphElement
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def __len__(self):
# type: () -> int
return self._paragraph.kvpair_count
def __contains__(self, item):
# type: (object) -> bool
return self._paragraph.contains_kvpair_element(item)
def __iter__(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[ParagraphKey]
return iter(self._paragraph.iter_keys())
def __getitem__(self, item):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> T
if self._auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields and isinstance(item, str):
v = self._paragraph.get_kvpair_element((item, 0))
v = self._paragraph.get_kvpair_element(item)
assert v is not None
return self._interpret_value(item, v)
def __delitem__(self, item):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
def _interpret_value(self, key, value):
# type: (ParagraphKey, Deb822KeyValuePairElement) -> T
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
# Deb822ParagraphElement uses this Mixin (by having `_paragraph` return self).
# Therefore the Mixin needs to call the "proper" methods on the paragraph to
# avoid doing infinite recursion.
class Deb822ParagraphToStrWrapperMixin(AutoResolvingMixin[str],[ParagraphKey, str],
def _auto_map_initial_line_whitespace(self):
# type: () -> bool
return True
def _discard_comments_on_read(self):
# type: () -> bool
return True
def _auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values(self):
# type: () -> bool
return True
def _preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates(self):
# type: () -> bool
return True
def _convert_value_to_str(self, kvpair_element):
# type: (Deb822KeyValuePairElement) -> str
value_element = kvpair_element.value_element
value_entries = value_element.value_lines
if len(value_entries) == 1:
# Special case single line entry (e.g. "Package: foo") as they never
# have comments and we can do some parts more efficient.
value_entry = value_entries[0]
t = value_entry.convert_to_text()
if self._auto_map_initial_line_whitespace:
t = t.strip()
return t
if self._auto_map_initial_line_whitespace or self._discard_comments_on_read:
converter = _convert_value_lines_to_lines(value_entries,
auto_map_space = self._auto_map_initial_line_whitespace
# Because we know there are more than one line, we can unconditionally inject
# the newline after the first line
as_text = ''.join(line.strip() + "\n" if auto_map_space and i == 1 else line
for i, line in enumerate(converter, start=1)
# No rewrite necessary.
as_text = value_element.convert_to_text()
if self._auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values and as_text[-1] == "\n":
as_text = as_text[:-1]
return as_text
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
# type: (ParagraphKey, str) -> None
keep_comments = self._preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates # type: Optional[bool]
comment = None
if keep_comments and self._auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields:
# For ambiguous fields, we have to resolve the original field as
# the set_field_* methods do not cope with ambiguous fields. This
# means we might as well clear the keep_comments flag as we have
# resolved the comment.
keep_comments = None
key_lookup = item
if isinstance(item, str):
key_lookup = (item, 0)
orig_kvpair = self._paragraph.get_kvpair_element(key_lookup, use_get=True)
if orig_kvpair is not None:
comment = orig_kvpair.comment_element
if self._auto_map_initial_line_whitespace:
idx = value.index("\n")
except ValueError:
idx = -1
if idx == -1 or idx == len(value):
# Regenerate the first line with normalized whitespace
first_line, rest = value.split("\n", 1)
value = "".join((" ", first_line.strip(), "\n", rest))
if not value.endswith("\n"):
if not self._auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values:
raise ValueError("Values must end with a newline (or be single line"
" values and use the auto whitespace mapping feature)")
value += "\n"
def _interpret_value(self, key, value):
# type: (ParagraphKey, Deb822KeyValuePairElement) -> T
# mypy is a bit dense and cannot see that T == str
return cast('T', self._convert_value_to_str(value))
class AbstractDeb822ParagraphWrapper(AutoResolvingMixin[T], ABC):
def __init__(self,
paragraph, # type: Deb822ParagraphElement
auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields=False, # type: bool
discard_comments_on_read=True, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> None
self.__paragraph = paragraph
self.__auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields = auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields
self.__discard_comments_on_read = discard_comments_on_read
def _paragraph(self):
# type: () -> Deb822ParagraphElement
return self.__paragraph
def _discard_comments_on_read(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self.__discard_comments_on_read
def _auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self.__auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields
class Deb822InterpretingParagraphWrapper(AbstractDeb822ParagraphWrapper[T]):
def __init__(self,
paragraph, # type: Deb822ParagraphElement
interpretation, # type: Interpretation[T]
auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields=False, # type: bool
discard_comments_on_read=True, # type: bool
) -> None:
self._interpretation = interpretation
def _interpret_value(self, key, value):
# type: (ParagraphKey, Deb822KeyValuePairElement) -> T
return self._interpretation.interpret(value)
class Deb822DictishParagraphWrapper(AbstractDeb822ParagraphWrapper[str],
def __init__(self,
paragraph, # type: Deb822ParagraphElement
discard_comments_on_read=True, # type: bool
auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=True, # type: bool
auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields=False, # type: bool
preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates=True, # type: bool
auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values=True, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> None
self.__auto_map_initial_line_whitespace = auto_map_initial_line_whitespace
self.__preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates = preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates
self.__auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values = \
def _auto_map_initial_line_whitespace(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self.__auto_map_initial_line_whitespace
def _preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self.__preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates
def _auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self.__auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values
class Deb822ParagraphElement(Deb822Element, Deb822ParagraphToStrWrapperMixin, ABC):
def new_empty_paragraph(cls):
# type: () -> Deb822ParagraphElement
return Deb822NoDuplicateFieldsParagraphElement([], OrderedSet())
def from_dict(cls, mapping):
# type: (Mapping[str, str]) -> Deb822ParagraphElement
paragraph = cls.new_empty_paragraph()
for k, v in mapping.items():
paragraph[k] = v
return paragraph
def from_kvpairs(cls, kvpair_elements):
# type: (List[Deb822KeyValuePairElement]) -> Deb822ParagraphElement
if not kvpair_elements:
raise ValueError("A paragraph must consist of at least one field/value pair")
kvpair_order = OrderedSet(kv.field_name for kv in kvpair_elements)
if len(kvpair_order) == len(kvpair_elements):
# Each field occurs at most once, which is good because that
# means it is a valid paragraph and we can use the optimized
# implementation.
return Deb822NoDuplicateFieldsParagraphElement(kvpair_elements, kvpair_order)
# Fallback implementation, that can cope with the repeated field names
# at the cost of complexity.
return Deb822DuplicateFieldsParagraphElement(kvpair_elements)
def has_duplicate_fields(self):
# type: () -> bool
"""Tell whether this paragraph has duplicate fields"""
return False
def as_interpreted_dict_view(self,
interpretation, # type: Interpretation[T]
auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields=True, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Deb822InterpretingParagraphWrapper[T]
r"""Provide a Dict-like view of the paragraph
This method returns a dict-like object representing this paragraph and
is useful for accessing fields in a given interpretation. It is possible
to use multiple versions of this dict-like view with different interpretations
on the same paragraph at the same time (for different fields).
>>> example_deb822_paragraph = '''
... Package: foo
... # Field comment (because it becomes just before a field)
... Architecture: amd64
... # Inline comment (associated with the next line)
... i386
... # We also support arm
... arm64
... armel
... '''
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines(keepends=True))
>>> paragraph = next(iter(dfile))
>>> list_view = paragraph.as_interpreted_dict_view(LIST_SPACE_SEPARATED_INTERPRETATION)
>>> # With the defaults, you only deal with the semantic values
>>> # - no leading or trailing whitespace on the first part of the value
>>> list(list_view["Package"])
>>> with list_view["Architecture"] as arch_list:
... orig_arch_list = list(arch_list)
... arch_list.replace('i386', 'kfreebsd-amd64')
>>> orig_arch_list
['amd64', 'i386', 'arm64', 'armel']
>>> list(list_view["Architecture"])
['amd64', 'kfreebsd-amd64', 'arm64', 'armel']
>>> print(paragraph.dump(), end='')
Package: foo
# Field comment (because it becomes just before a field)
Architecture: amd64
# Inline comment (associated with the next line)
# We also support arm
>>> # Format preserved and architecture replaced
>>> with list_view["Architecture"] as arch_list:
... # Prettify the result as sorting will cause awkward whitespace
... arch_list.reformat_when_finished()
... arch_list.sort()
>>> print(paragraph.dump(), end='')
Package: foo
# Field comment (because it becomes just before a field)
Architecture: amd64
# We also support arm
# Inline comment (associated with the next line)
>>> list(list_view["Architecture"])
['amd64', 'arm64', 'armel', 'kfreebsd-amd64']
>>> # Format preserved and architecture values sorted
:param interpretation: Decides how the field values are interpreted. As an example,
use LIST_SPACE_SEPARATED_INTERPRETATION for fields such as Architecture in the
debian/control file.
:param auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields: This parameter is only relevant for paragraphs
that contain the same field multiple times (these are generally invalid). If the
caller requests an ambiguous field from an invalid paragraph via a plain field name,
the return dict-like object will refuse to resolve the field (not knowing which
version to pick). This parameter (if set to True) instead changes the error into
assuming the caller wants the *first* variant.
return Deb822InterpretingParagraphWrapper(
def configured_view(self,
discard_comments_on_read=True, # type: bool
auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=True, # type: bool
auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields=True, # type: bool
preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates=True, # type: bool
auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values=True, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Deb822DictishParagraphWrapper
r"""Provide a Dict[str, str]-like view of this paragraph with non-standard parameters
This method returns a dict-like object representing this paragraph that is
optionally configured differently from the default view.
>>> example_deb822_paragraph = '''
... Package: foo
... # Field comment (because it becomes just before a field)
... Depends: libfoo,
... # Inline comment (associated with the next line)
... libbar,
... '''
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines(keepends=True))
>>> paragraph = next(iter(dfile))
>>> # With the defaults, you only deal with the semantic values
>>> # - no leading or trailing whitespace on the first part of the value
>>> paragraph["Package"]
>>> # - no inline comments in multiline values (but whitespace will be present
>>> # subsequent lines.)
>>> print(paragraph["Depends"])
>>> paragraph['Foo'] = 'bar'
>>> paragraph.get('Foo')
>>> paragraph.get('Unknown-Field') is None
>>> # But you get asymmetric behaviour with set vs. get
>>> paragraph['Foo'] = ' bar\n'
>>> paragraph['Foo']
>>> paragraph['Bar'] = ' bar\n#Comment\n another value\n'
>>> # Note that the whitespace on the first line has been normalized.
>>> print("Bar: " + paragraph['Bar'])
Bar: bar
another value
>>> # The comment is present (in case you where wondering)
>>> print(paragraph.get_kvpair_element('Bar').convert_to_text(), end='')
Bar: bar
another value
>>> # On the other hand, you can choose to see the values as they are
>>> # - We will just reset the paragraph as a "nothing up my sleeve"
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines(keepends=True))
>>> paragraph = next(iter(dfile))
>>> nonstd_dictview = paragraph.configured_view(
... discard_comments_on_read=False,
... auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=False,
... # For paragraphs with duplicate fields, you can choose to get an error
... # rather than the dict picking the first value available.
... auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields=False,
... auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values=False,
... )
>>> # Because we have reset the state, Foo and Bar are no longer there.
>>> 'Bar' not in paragraph and 'Foo' not in paragraph
>>> # We can now see the comments (discard_comments_on_read=False)
>>> # (The leading whitespace in front of "libfoo" is due to
>>> # auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=False)
>>> print(nonstd_dictview["Depends"], end='')
# Inline comment (associated with the next line)
>>> # And all the optional whitespace on the first value line
>>> # (auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=False)
>>> nonstd_dictview["Package"] == ' foo\n'
>>> # ... which will give you symmetric behaviour with set vs. get
>>> nonstd_dictview['Foo'] = ' bar \n'
>>> nonstd_dictview['Foo']
' bar \n'
>>> nonstd_dictview['Bar'] = ' bar \n#Comment\n another value\n'
>>> nonstd_dictview['Bar']
' bar \n#Comment\n another value\n'
>>> # But then you get no help either.
>>> try:
... nonstd_dictview["Baz"] = "foo"
... except ValueError:
... print("Rejected")
>>> # With auto_map_initial_line_whitespace=False, you have to include minimum a newline
>>> nonstd_dictview["Baz"] = "foo\n"
>>> # The absence of leading whitespace gives you the terse variant at the expensive
>>> # readability
>>> paragraph.get_kvpair_element('Baz').convert_to_text()
>>> # But because they are views, changes performed via one view is visible in the other
>>> paragraph['Foo']
>>> # The views show the values according to their own rules. Therefore, there is an
>>> # asymmetric between paragraph['Foo'] and nonstd_dictview['Foo']
>>> # Nevertheless, you can read or write the fields via either - enabling you to use
>>> # the view that best suit your use-case for the given field.
>>> 'Baz' in paragraph and nonstd_dictview.get('Baz') is not None
>>> # Deletion via the view also works
>>> del nonstd_dictview['Baz']
>>> 'Baz' not in paragraph and nonstd_dictview.get('Baz') is None
:param discard_comments_on_read: When getting a field value from the dict,
this parameter decides how in-line comments are handled. When setting
the value, inline comments are still allowed and will be retained.
However, keep in mind that this option makes getter and setter assymetric
as a "get" following a "set" with inline comments will omit the comments
even if they are there (see the code example).
:param auto_map_initial_line_whitespace: Special-case the first value line
by trimming unnecessary whitespace leaving only the value. For single-line
values, all space including newline is pruned. For multi-line values, the
newline is preserved / needed to distinguish the first line from the
following lines. When setting a value, this option normalizes the
whitespace of the initial line of the value field.
When this option is set to True makes the dictionary behave more like the
original Deb822 module.
:param preserve_field_comments_on_field_updates: Whether to preserve the field
comments when mutating the field.
:param auto_resolve_ambiguous_fields: This parameter is only relevant for paragraphs
that contain the same field multiple times (these are generally invalid). If the
caller requests an ambiguous field from an invalid paragraph via a plain field name,
the return dict-like object will refuse to resolve the field (not knowing which
version to pick). This parameter (if set to True) instead changes the error into
assuming the caller wants the *first* variant.
:param auto_map_final_newline_in_multiline_values: This parameter controls whether
a multiline field with have / need a trailing newline. If True, the trailing
newline is hidden on get and automatically added in set (if missing).
When this option is set to True makes the dictionary behave more like the
original Deb822 module.
return Deb822DictishParagraphWrapper(
def _paragraph(self):
# type: () -> Deb822ParagraphElement
return self
def order_last(self, field):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so it is "last" in the paragraph"""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def order_first(self, field):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so it is "first" in the paragraph"""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def order_before(self, field, reference_field):
# type: (ParagraphKey, ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so appears directly after the reference field in the paragraph
The reference field must be present."""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def order_after(self, field, reference_field):
# type: (ParagraphKey, ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so appears directly before the reference field in the paragraph
The reference field must be present.
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def kvpair_count(self):
# type: () -> int
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def iter_keys(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[ParagraphKey]
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def contains_kvpair_element(self, item):
# type: (object) -> bool
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def get_kvpair_element(self,
item, # type: ParagraphKey
use_get=False, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Optional[Deb822KeyValuePairElement]
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def set_kvpair_element(self, key, value):
# type: (ParagraphKey, Deb822KeyValuePairElement) -> None
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def remove_kvpair_element(self, key):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def sort_fields(self,
key=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]]
# type: (...) -> None
"""Re-order all fields
:param key: Provide a key function (same semantics as for sorted). Keep in mind that
the module preserve the cases for field names - in generally, callers are recommended
to use "lower()" to normalize the case.
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def set_field_to_simple_value(self,
item, # type: ParagraphKey
simple_value, # type: str
preserve_original_field_comment=None, # type: Optional[bool]
field_comment=None, # type: Optional[Commentish]
# type: (...) -> None
r"""Sets a field in this paragraph to a simple "word" or "phrase"
In many cases, it is better for callers to just use the paragraph as
if it was a dictionary. However, this method does enable to you choose
the field comment (if any), which can be a reason for using it.
This is suitable for "simple" fields like "Package". Example:
>>> example_deb822_paragraph = '''
... Package: foo
... '''
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines(keepends=True))
>>> p = next(iter(dfile))
>>> p.set_field_to_simple_value("Package", "mscgen")
>>> p.set_field_to_simple_value("Architecture", "linux-any kfreebsd-any",
... field_comment=['Only ported to linux and kfreebsd'])
>>> p.set_field_to_simple_value("Priority", "optional")
>>> print(p.dump(), end='')
Package: mscgen
# Only ported to linux and kfreebsd
Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any
Priority: optional
>>> # Values are formatted nicely by default, but it does not work with
>>> # multi-line values
>>> p.set_field_to_simple_value("Foo", "bar\nbin\n")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Cannot use set_field_to_simple_value for values with newlines
:param item: Name of the field to set. If the paragraph already
contains the field, then it will be replaced. If the field exists,
then it will preserve its order in the paragraph. Otherwise, it is
added to the end of the paragraph.
Note this can be a "paragraph key", which enables you to control
*which* instance of a field is being replaced (in case of duplicate
:param simple_value: The text to use as the value. The value must not
contain newlines. Leading and trailing will be stripped but space
within the value is preserved. The value cannot contain comments
(i.e. if the "#" token appears in the value, then it is considered
a value rather than "start of a comment)
:param preserve_original_field_comment: See the description for the
parameter with the same name in the set_field_from_raw_string method.
:param field_comment: See the description for the parameter with the same
name in the set_field_from_raw_string method.
if '\n' in simple_value:
raise ValueError("Cannot use set_field_to_simple_value for values with newlines")
# Reformat it with a leading space and trailing newline. The latter because it is
# necessary if there any fields after it and the former because it looks nicer so
# have single space after the field separator
raw_value = ' ' + simple_value.strip() + "\n"
def set_field_from_raw_string(self,
item, # type: ParagraphKey
raw_string_value, # type: str
preserve_original_field_comment=None, # type: Optional[bool]
field_comment=None, # type: Optional[Commentish]
# type: (...) -> None
"""Sets a field in this paragraph to a given text value
In many cases, it is better for callers to just use the paragraph as
if it was a dictionary. However, this method does enable to you choose
the field comment (if any) and lets to have a higher degree of control
over whitespace (on the first line), which can be a reason for using it.
Example usage:
>>> example_deb822_paragraph = '''
... Package: foo
... '''
>>> dfile = parse_deb822_file(example_deb822_paragraph.splitlines(keepends=True))
>>> p = next(iter(dfile))
>>> raw_value = '''
... Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
... some-other-bd,
... # Comment
... another-bd,
... '''.lstrip() # Remove leading newline, but *not* the trailing newline
>>> fname, new_value = raw_value.split(':', 1)
>>> p.set_field_from_raw_string(fname, new_value)
>>> print(p.dump(), end='')
Package: foo
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
# Comment
>>> # Format preserved
:param item: Name of the field to set. If the paragraph already
contains the field, then it will be replaced. Otherwise, it is
added to the end of the paragraph.
Note this can be a "paragraph key", which enables you to control
*which* instance of a field is being replaced (in case of duplicate
:param raw_string_value: The text to use as the value. The text must
be valid deb822 syntax and is used *exactly* as it is given.
Accordingly, multi-line values must include mandatory leading space
on continuation lines, newlines after the value, etc. On the
flip-side, any optional space or comments will be included.
Note that the first line will *never* be read as a comment (if the
first line of the value starts with a "#" then it will result
in "Field-Name:#..." which is parsed as a value starting with "#"
rather than a comment).
:param preserve_original_field_comment: If True, then if there is an
existing field and that has a comment, then the comment will remain
after this operation. This is the default is the `field_comment`
parameter is omitted.
Note that if the parameter is True and the item is ambiguous, this
will raise an AmbiguousDeb822FieldKeyError. When the parameter is
omitted, the ambiguity is resolved automatically and if the resolved
field has a comment then that will be preserved (assuming
field_comment is None).
:param field_comment: If not None, add or replace the comment for
the field. Each string in the in the list will become one comment
line (inserted directly before the field name). Will appear in the
same order as they do in the list.
If you want complete control over the formatting of the comments,
then ensure that each line start with "#" and end with "\\n" before
the call. Otherwise, leading/trailing whitespace is normalized
and the missing "#"/"\\n" character is inserted.
new_content = [] # type: List[str]
if preserve_original_field_comment is not None:
if field_comment is not None:
raise ValueError('The "preserve_original_field_comment" conflicts with'
' "field_comment" parameter')
elif field_comment is not None:
if not isinstance(field_comment, Deb822CommentElement):
new_content.extend(_format_comment(x) for x in field_comment)
field_comment = None
preserve_original_field_comment = False
field_name, _, _ = _unpack_key(item)
cased_field_name = field_name
original = self.get_kvpair_element(item, use_get=True)
except AmbiguousDeb822FieldKeyError:
if preserve_original_field_comment:
# If we were asked to preserve the original comment, then we
# require a strict lookup
original = self.get_kvpair_element((field_name, 0), use_get=True)
if preserve_original_field_comment is None:
# We simplify preserve_original_field_comment after the lookup of the field.
# Otherwise, we can get ambiguous key errors when updating an ambiguous field
# when the caller did not explicitly ask for that behaviour.
preserve_original_field_comment = True
if original:
# If we already have the field, then preserve the original case
cased_field_name = original.field_name
raw = ":".join((cased_field_name, raw_string_value))
raw_lines = raw.splitlines(keepends=True)
for i, line in enumerate(raw_lines, start=1):
if not line.endswith("\n"):
raise ValueError("Line {i} in new value was missing trailing newline".format(i=i))
if i != 1 and line[0] not in (' ', '\t', '#'):
msg = 'Line {i} in new value was invalid. It must either start' \
' with " " space (continuation line) or "#" (comment line).' \
' The line started with "{line}"'
raise ValueError(msg.format(i=i, line=line[0]))
if len(raw_lines) > 1 and raw_lines[-1].startswith('#'):
raise ValueError('The last line in a value field cannot be a comment')
# As absurd as it might seem, it is easier to just use the parser to
# construct the AST correctly
deb822_file = parse_deb822_file(iter(new_content))
error_token = deb822_file.find_first_error_element()
if error_token:
raise ValueError("Syntax error in new field value for " + field_name)
paragraph = next(iter(deb822_file))
assert isinstance(paragraph, Deb822NoDuplicateFieldsParagraphElement)
value = paragraph.get_kvpair_element(field_name)
assert value is not None
if preserve_original_field_comment:
if original:
value.comment_element = original.comment_element
original.comment_element = None
elif field_comment is not None:
value.comment_element = field_comment
self.set_kvpair_element(item, value)
def dump(self,
fd, # type: IO[bytes]
# type: (...) -> None
def dump(self):
# type: () -> str
def dump(self,
fd=None, # type: Optional[IO[bytes]]
# type: (...) -> Optional[str]
if fd is None:
return "".join(t.text for t in self.iter_tokens())
for token in self.iter_tokens():
return None
class Deb822NoDuplicateFieldsParagraphElement(Deb822ParagraphElement):
"""Paragraph implementation optimized for valid deb822 files
When there are no duplicated fields, we can use simpler and faster
datastructures for common operations.
def __init__(self,
kvpair_elements, # type: List[Deb822KeyValuePairElement]
kvpair_order, # type: OrderedSet
# type: (...) -> None
self._kvpair_elements = {kv.field_name: kv for kv in kvpair_elements}
self._kvpair_order = kvpair_order
def kvpair_count(self):
# type: () -> int
return len(self._kvpair_elements)
def order_last(self, field):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so it is "last" in the paragraph"""
unpacked_field, _, _ = _unpack_key(field, raise_if_indexed=True)
def order_first(self, field):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so it is "first" in the paragraph"""
unpacked_field, _, _ = _unpack_key(field, raise_if_indexed=True)
def order_before(self, field, reference_field):
# type: (ParagraphKey, ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so appears directly after the reference field in the paragraph
The reference field must be present."""
unpacked_field, _, _ = _unpack_key(field, raise_if_indexed=True)
unpacked_ref_field, _, _ = _unpack_key(reference_field, raise_if_indexed=True)
self._kvpair_order.order_before(unpacked_field, unpacked_ref_field)
def order_after(self, field, reference_field):
# type: (ParagraphKey, ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so appears directly before the reference field in the paragraph
The reference field must be present.
unpacked_field, _, _ = _unpack_key(field, raise_if_indexed=True)
unpacked_ref_field, _, _ = _unpack_key(reference_field, raise_if_indexed=True)
self._kvpair_order.order_after(unpacked_field, unpacked_ref_field)
def iter_keys(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[ParagraphKey]
yield from (str(k) for k in self._kvpair_order)
def remove_kvpair_element(self, key):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
key, _, _ = _unpack_key(key, raise_if_indexed=True)
del self._kvpair_elements[key]
def contains_kvpair_element(self, item):
# type: (object) -> bool
if not isinstance(item, (str, tuple, Deb822FieldNameToken)):
return False
item = cast('ParagraphKey', item)
key, _, _ = _unpack_key(item, raise_if_indexed=True)
return key in self._kvpair_elements
def get_kvpair_element(self,
item, # type: ParagraphKey
use_get=False, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Optional[Deb822KeyValuePairElement]
item, _, _ = _unpack_key(item, raise_if_indexed=True)
if use_get:
return self._kvpair_elements.get(item)
return self._kvpair_elements[item]
def set_kvpair_element(self, key, value):
# type: (ParagraphKey, Deb822KeyValuePairElement) -> None
key, _, _ = _unpack_key(key, raise_if_indexed=True)
if isinstance(key, Deb822FieldNameToken):
if key is not value.field_token:
raise ValueError("Key is a Deb822FieldNameToken, but not *the* Deb822FieldNameToken"
" for the value")
key = value.field_name
if key != value.field_name:
raise ValueError("Cannot insert value under a different field value than field name"
" from its Deb822FieldNameToken implies")
# Use the string from the Deb822FieldNameToken as we need to keep that in memory either
# way
key = value.field_name
original_value = self._kvpair_elements.get(key)
self._kvpair_elements[key] = value
if original_value is not None:
original_value.parent_element = None
value.parent_element = self
def sort_fields(self, key=None):
# type: (Optional[Callable[[str], Any]]) -> None
"""Re-order all fields
:param key: Provide a key function (same semantics as for sorted). Keep in mind that
the module preserve the cases for field names - in generally, callers are recommended
to use "lower()" to normalize the case.
for last_field_name in reversed(self._kvpair_order):
last_kvpair = self._kvpair_elements[cast('_strI', last_field_name)]
if key is None:
key = default_field_sort_key
self._kvpair_order = OrderedSet(sorted(self._kvpair_order, key=key))
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
yield from (self._kvpair_elements[x]
for x in cast('Iterable[_strI]', self._kvpair_order))
class Deb822DuplicateFieldsParagraphElement(Deb822ParagraphElement):
def __init__(self, kvpair_elements):
# type: (List[Deb822KeyValuePairElement]) -> None
self._kvpair_order = LinkedList() # type: LinkedList[Deb822KeyValuePairElement]
self._kvpair_elements = \
{} # type: Dict[_strI, List[KVPNode]]
def has_duplicate_fields(self):
# type: () -> bool
# Most likely, the answer is "True" but if the caller "fixes" the problem
# then this can return "False"
return len(self._kvpair_order) > len(self._kvpair_elements)
def _init_kvpair_fields(self, kvpairs):
# type: (Iterable[Deb822KeyValuePairElement]) -> None
assert not self._kvpair_order
assert not self._kvpair_elements
for kv in kvpairs:
field_name = kv.field_name
node = self._kvpair_order.append(kv)
if field_name not in self._kvpair_elements:
self._kvpair_elements[field_name] = [node]
def _nodes_being_relocated(self, field):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> Tuple[List[KVPNode], List[KVPNode]]
key, index, name_token = _unpack_key(field)
nodes = self._kvpair_elements[key]
nodes_being_relocated = []
if name_token is not None or index is not None:
single_node = self._resolve_to_single_node(nodes, key, index, name_token)
assert single_node is not None
nodes_being_relocated = nodes
return nodes, nodes_being_relocated
def order_last(self, field):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so it is "last" in the paragraph"""
nodes, nodes_being_relocated = self._nodes_being_relocated(field)
assert len(nodes_being_relocated) == 1 or len(nodes) == len(nodes_being_relocated)
kvpair_order = self._kvpair_order
for node in nodes_being_relocated:
if kvpair_order.tail_node is node:
# Special case for relocating a single node that happens to be the last.
# assertion for mypy
assert kvpair_order.tail_node is not None
kvpair_order.insert_node_after(node, kvpair_order.tail_node)
if len(nodes_being_relocated) == 1 and nodes_being_relocated[0] is not nodes[-1]:
single_node = nodes_being_relocated[0]
def order_first(self, field):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so it is "first" in the paragraph"""
nodes, nodes_being_relocated = self._nodes_being_relocated(field)
assert len(nodes_being_relocated) == 1 or len(nodes) == len(nodes_being_relocated)
kvpair_order = self._kvpair_order
for node in nodes_being_relocated:
if kvpair_order.head_node is node:
# Special case for relocating a single node that happens to be the first.
# assertion for mypy
assert kvpair_order.head_node is not None
kvpair_order.insert_node_before(node, kvpair_order.head_node)
if len(nodes_being_relocated) == 1 and nodes_being_relocated[0] is not nodes[0]:
single_node = nodes_being_relocated[0]
nodes.insert(0, single_node)
def order_before(self, field, reference_field):
# type: (ParagraphKey, ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so appears directly after the reference field in the paragraph
The reference field must be present."""
nodes, nodes_being_relocated = self._nodes_being_relocated(field)
assert len(nodes_being_relocated) == 1 or len(nodes) == len(nodes_being_relocated)
# For "before" we always use the "first" variant as reference in case of doubt
_, reference_nodes = self._nodes_being_relocated(reference_field)
reference_node = reference_nodes[0]
if reference_node in nodes_being_relocated:
raise ValueError("Cannot re-order a field relative to itself")
kvpair_order = self._kvpair_order
for node in nodes_being_relocated:
kvpair_order.insert_node_before(node, reference_node)
if len(nodes_being_relocated) == 1 and len(nodes) > 1:
# Regenerate the (new) relative field order.
field_name = nodes_being_relocated[0].value.field_name
def order_after(self, field, reference_field):
# type: (ParagraphKey, ParagraphKey) -> None
"""Re-order the given field so appears directly before the reference field in the paragraph
The reference field must be present.
nodes, nodes_being_relocated = self._nodes_being_relocated(field)
assert len(nodes_being_relocated) == 1 or len(nodes) == len(nodes_being_relocated)
_, reference_nodes = self._nodes_being_relocated(reference_field)
# For "after" we always use the "last" variant as reference in case of doubt
reference_node = reference_nodes[-1]
if reference_node in nodes_being_relocated:
raise ValueError("Cannot re-order a field relative to itself")
kvpair_order = self._kvpair_order
# Use "reversed" to preserve the relative order of the nodes assuming a bulk reorder
for node in reversed(nodes_being_relocated):
kvpair_order.insert_node_after(node, reference_node)
if len(nodes_being_relocated) == 1 and len(nodes) > 1:
# Regenerate the (new) relative field order.
field_name = nodes_being_relocated[0].value.field_name
def _regenerate_relative_kvapir_order(self, field_name):
# type: (_strI) -> None
nodes = []
for node in self._kvpair_order.iter_nodes():
if node.value.field_name == field_name:
self._kvpair_elements[field_name] = nodes
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
yield from self._kvpair_order
def kvpair_count(self):
# type: () -> int
return len(self._kvpair_order)
def iter_keys(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[ParagraphKey]
yield from (kv.field_name for kv in self._kvpair_order)
def _resolve_to_single_node(self,
nodes, # type: List[KVPNode]
key, # type: str
index, # type: Optional[int]
name_token, # type: Optional[Deb822FieldNameToken]
use_get=False, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Optional[KVPNode]
if index is None:
if len(nodes) != 1:
if name_token is not None:
node = self._find_node_via_name_token(name_token, nodes)
if node is not None:
return node
msg = "Ambiguous key {key} - the field appears {res_len} times. Use" \
" ({key}, index) to denote which instance of the field you want. (Index" \
" can be 0..{res_len_1} or e.g. -1 to denote the last field)"
raise AmbiguousDeb822FieldKeyError(msg.format(key=key,
res_len_1=len(nodes) - 1))
index = 0
return nodes[index]
except IndexError:
if use_get:
return None
msg = 'Field "{key}" was present but the index "{index}" was invalid.'
raise KeyError(msg.format(key=key, index=index))
def get_kvpair_element(self,
item, # type: ParagraphKey
use_get=False, # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Optional[Deb822KeyValuePairElement]
key, index, name_token = _unpack_key(item)
if use_get:
nodes = self._kvpair_elements.get(key)
if nodes is None:
return None
nodes = self._kvpair_elements[key]
node = self._resolve_to_single_node(nodes, key, index, name_token, use_get=use_get)
if node is not None:
return node.value
return None
def _find_node_via_name_token(
name_token, # type: Deb822FieldNameToken
elements, # type: Iterable[KVPNode]
# type: (...) -> Optional[KVPNode]
# if we are given a name token, then it is non-ambiguous if we have exactly
# that name token in our list of nodes. It will be an O(n) lookup but we
# probably do not have that many duplicate fields (and even if do, it is not
# exactly a valid file, so there little reason to optimize for it)
for node in elements:
if name_token is node.value.field_token:
return node
return None
def contains_kvpair_element(self, item):
# type: (object) -> bool
if not isinstance(item, (str, tuple, Deb822FieldNameToken)):
return False
item = cast('ParagraphKey', item)
return self.get_kvpair_element(item, use_get=True) is not None
def set_kvpair_element(self, key, value):
# type: (ParagraphKey, Deb822KeyValuePairElement) -> None
key, index, name_token = _unpack_key(key)
if name_token:
if name_token is not value.field_token:
original_nodes = self._kvpair_elements.get(value.field_name)
original_node = None
if original_nodes is not None:
original_node = self._find_node_via_name_token(name_token, original_nodes)
if original_node is None:
raise ValueError("Key is a Deb822FieldNameToken, but not *the*"
" Deb822FieldNameToken for the value nor the"
" Deb822FieldNameToken for an existing field in the paragraph")
# Primarily for mypy's sake
assert original_nodes is not None
# Rely on the index-based code below to handle update.
index = original_nodes.index(original_node)
key = value.field_name
if key != value.field_name:
raise ValueError("Cannot insert value under a different field value than field name"
" from its Deb822FieldNameToken implies")
# Use the string from the Deb822FieldNameToken as it is a _strI and has the same value
# (memory optimization)
key = value.field_name
original_nodes = self._kvpair_elements.get(key)
if original_nodes is None or not original_nodes:
if index is not None and index != 0:
msg = "Cannot replace field ({key}, {index}) as the field does not exist" \
" in the first place. Please index-less key or ({key}, 0) if you" \
" want to add the field."
raise KeyError(msg.format(key=key, index=index))
node = self._kvpair_order.append(value)
if key not in self._kvpair_elements:
self._kvpair_elements[key] = [node]
replace_all = False
if index is None:
replace_all = True
node = original_nodes[0]
if len(original_nodes) != 1:
self._kvpair_elements[key] = [node]
# We insist on there being an original node, which as a side effect ensures
# you cannot add additional copies of the field. This means that you cannot
# make the problem worse.
node = original_nodes[index]
# Replace the value of the existing node plus do a little dance
# for the parent element part.
node.value.parent_element = None
value.parent_element = self
node.value = value
if replace_all and len(original_nodes) != 1:
# If we were in a replace-all mode, discard any remaining nodes
for n in original_nodes[1:]:
n.value.parent_element = None
def remove_kvpair_element(self, key):
# type: (ParagraphKey) -> None
key, idx, name_token = _unpack_key(key)
field_list = self._kvpair_elements[key]
if name_token is None and idx is None:
# Remove all case
for node in field_list:
node.value.parent_element = None
del self._kvpair_elements[key]
if name_token is not None:
# Indirection between original_node and node for mypy's sake
original_node = self._find_node_via_name_token(name_token, field_list)
if original_node is None:
msg = 'The field "{key}" is present but key used to access it is not.'
raise KeyError(msg.format(key=key))
node = original_node
assert idx is not None
node = field_list[idx]
except KeyError:
msg = 'The field "{key}" is present, but the index "{idx}" was invalid.'
raise KeyError(msg.format(key=key, idx=idx))
if len(field_list) == 1:
del self._kvpair_elements[key]
node.value.parent_element = None
def sort_fields(self, key=None):
# type: (Optional[Callable[[str], Any]]) -> None
"""Re-order all fields
:param key: Provide a key function (same semantics as for sorted). Keep in mind that
the module preserve the cases for field names - in generally, callers are recommended
to use "lower()" to normalize the case.
if key is None:
key = default_field_sort_key
# Work around mypy that cannot seem to shred the Optional notion
# without this little indirection
key_impl = key
def _actual_key(kvpair):
# type: (Deb822KeyValuePairElement) -> Any
return key_impl(kvpair.field_name)
for last_kvpair in reversed(self._kvpair_order):
sorted_kvpair_list = sorted(self._kvpair_order, key=_actual_key)
self._kvpair_order = LinkedList()
self._kvpair_elements = {}
class Deb822FileElement(Deb822Element):
"""Represents the entire deb822 file"""
def __init__(self, token_and_elements):
# type: (LinkedList[TokenOrElement]) -> None
self._token_and_elements = token_and_elements
def new_empty_file(cls):
# type: () -> Deb822FileElement
"""Creates a new Deb822FileElement with no contents
Note that a deb822 file must be non-empty to be considered valid
return cls(LinkedList())
def is_valid_file(self):
# type: () -> bool
"""Returns true if the file is valid
Invalid elements include error elements (Deb822ErrorElement) but also
issues such as paragraphs with duplicate fields or "empty" files
(a valid deb822 file contains at least one paragraph).
had_paragraph = False
for paragraph in self:
had_paragraph = True
if not paragraph or paragraph.has_duplicate_fields:
return False
if not had_paragraph:
return False
return self.find_first_error_element() is None
def find_first_error_element(self):
# type: () -> Optional[Deb822ErrorElement]
"""Returns the first Deb822ErrorElement (or None) in the file"""
return next(iter(self.iter_recurse(only_element_or_token_type=Deb822ErrorElement)), None)
def __iter__(self):
# type: () -> Iterator[Deb822ParagraphElement]
return iter(self.iter_parts_of_type(Deb822ParagraphElement))
def iter_parts(self):
# type: () -> Iterable[TokenOrElement]
yield from self._token_and_elements
def insert(self, idx, para):
# type: (int, Deb822ParagraphElement) -> None
"""Inserts a paragraph into the file at the given "index" of paragraphs
Note that if the index is between two paragraphs containing a "free
floating" comment (e.g. paragrah/start-of-file, empty line, comment,
empty line, paragraph) then it is unspecified which "side" of the
comment the new paragraph will appear and this may change between
versions of python-debian.
>>> original = '''
... Package: libfoo-dev
... Depends: libfoo1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
... '''.lstrip()
>>> deb822_file = parse_deb822_file(original.splitlines(keepends=True))
>>> para1 = Deb822ParagraphElement.new_empty_paragraph()
>>> para1["Source"] = "foo"
>>> para1["Build-Depends"] = "debhelper-compat (= 13)"
>>> para2 = Deb822ParagraphElement.new_empty_paragraph()
>>> para2["Package"] = "libfoo1"
>>> para2["Depends"] = "${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}"
>>> deb822_file.insert(0, para1)
>>> deb822_file.insert(1, para2)
>>> expected = '''
... Source: foo
... Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)
... Package: libfoo1
... Depends: ${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
... Package: libfoo-dev
... Depends: libfoo1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
... '''.lstrip()
>>> deb822_file.dump() == expected
anchor_node = None
needs_newline = True
if idx == 0:
# Special-case, if idx is 0, then we insert it before everything else.
# This is mostly a cosmetic choice for corner cases involving free-floating
# comments in the file.
if not self._token_and_elements:
anchor_node = self._token_and_elements.head_node
needs_newline = bool(self._token_and_elements)
i = 0
for node in self._token_and_elements.iter_nodes():
entry = node.value
if isinstance(entry, Deb822ParagraphElement):
i += 1
if idx == i - 1:
anchor_node = node
if anchor_node is None:
# Empty list or idx after the last paragraph both degenerate into append
if needs_newline:
# Remember to inject the "separating" newline between two paragraphs
nl_token = self._set_parent(Deb822WhitespaceToken('\n'))
anchor_node = self._token_and_elements.insert_before(nl_token, anchor_node)
self._token_and_elements.insert_before(self._set_parent(para), anchor_node)
def append(self, paragraph):
# type: (Deb822ParagraphElement) -> None
"""Appends a paragraph to the file
>>> deb822_file = Deb822FileElement.new_empty_file()
>>> para1 = Deb822ParagraphElement.new_empty_paragraph()
>>> para1["Source"] = "foo"
>>> para1["Build-Depends"] = "debhelper-compat (= 13)"
>>> para2 = Deb822ParagraphElement.new_empty_paragraph()
>>> para2["Package"] = "foo"
>>> para2["Depends"] = "${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}"
>>> deb822_file.append(para1)
>>> deb822_file.append(para2)
>>> expected = '''
... Source: foo
... Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)
... Package: foo
... Depends: ${shlib:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
... '''.lstrip()
>>> deb822_file.dump() == expected
tail_element = self._token_and_elements.tail
if paragraph.parent_element is not None:
if paragraph.parent_element is self:
raise ValueError("Paragraph is already a part of this file")
raise ValueError("Paragraph is already part of another Deb822File")
# We need a separating newline if there not a whitespace token at the end of the file.
# Note the special case where the file ends on a comment; here we insert a whitespace too
# to be sure. Otherwise we would have to check that there is an empty line before that
# comment and that is too much effort.
if tail_element and not isinstance(tail_element, Deb822WhitespaceToken):
paragraph.parent_element = self
def _set_parent(self, t):
# type: (TE) -> TE
t.parent_element = self
return t
def dump(self,
fd, # type: IO[bytes]
# type: (...) -> None
def dump(self):
# type: () -> str
def dump(self,
fd=None, # type: Optional[IO[bytes]]
# type: (...) -> Optional[str]
if fd is None:
return "".join(t.text for t in self.iter_tokens())
for token in self.iter_tokens():
return None
_combine_error_tokens_into_elements = combine_into_replacement(Deb822ErrorToken, Deb822ErrorElement)
_combine_comment_tokens_into_elements = combine_into_replacement(Deb822CommentToken,
_combine_vl_elements_into_value_elements = combine_into_replacement(Deb822ValueLineElement,
_combine_kvp_elements_into_paragraphs = combine_into_replacement(
def _parsed_value_render_factory(discard_comments):
# type: (bool) -> Callable[[Deb822ParsedValueElement], str]
return Deb822ParsedValueElement.convert_to_text_without_comments if discard_comments \
else Deb822ParsedValueElement.convert_to_text
LIST_SPACE_SEPARATED_INTERPRETATION = ListInterpretation(whitespace_split_tokenizer,
lambda: Deb822SpaceSeparatorToken(' '),
LIST_COMMA_SEPARATED_INTERPRETATION = ListInterpretation(comma_split_tokenizer,
LIST_UPLOADERS_INTERPRETATION = ListInterpretation(comma_split_tokenizer,
def _non_end_of_line_token(v):
# type: (TokenOrElement) -> bool
# Consume tokens until the newline
return not isinstance(v, Deb822WhitespaceToken) or v.text != '\n'
def _build_value_line(token_stream, # type: Iterable[Union[TokenOrElement, Deb822CommentElement]]
# type: (...) -> Iterable[Union[TokenOrElement, Deb822ValueLineElement]]
"""Parser helper - consumes tokens part of a Deb822ValueEntryElement and turns them into one"""
buffered_stream = BufferingIterator(token_stream)
# Deb822ValueLineElement is a bit tricky because of how we handle whitespace
# and comments.
# In relation to comments, then only continuation lines can have comments.
# If there is a comment before a "K: V" line, then the comment is associated
# with the field rather than the value.
# On the whitespace front, then we separate syntactical mandatory whitespace
# from optional whitespace. As an example:
# """
# # some comment associated with the Depends field
# Depends:_foo_$
# # some comment associated with the line containing "bar"
# !________bar_$
# """
# Where "$" and "!" represents mandatory whitespace (the newline and the first
# space are required for the file to be parsed correctly), where as "_" is
# "optional" whitespace (from a syntactical point of view).
# This distinction enable us to facilitate APIs for easy removal/normalization
# of redundant whitespaces without having programmers worry about trashing
# the file.
comment_element = None
continuation_line_token = None
token = None # type: Optional[TokenOrElement]
for token in buffered_stream:
start_of_value_entry = False
if isinstance(token, Deb822CommentElement):
next_token = buffered_stream.peek()
# If the next token is a continuation line token, then this comment
# belong to a value and we might as well just start the value
# parsing now.
# Note that we rely on this behaviour to avoid emitting the comment
# token (failing to do so would cause the comment to appear twice
# in the file).
if isinstance(next_token, Deb822ValueContinuationToken):
start_of_value_entry = True
comment_element = token
token = None
# Use next with None to avoid raising StopIteration inside a generator
# It won't happen, but pylint cannot see that, so we do this instead.
continuation_line_token = cast('Deb822ValueContinuationToken',
next(buffered_stream, None)
assert continuation_line_token is not None
elif isinstance(token, Deb822ValueContinuationToken):
continuation_line_token = token
start_of_value_entry = True
token = None
elif isinstance(token, Deb822FieldSeparatorToken):
start_of_value_entry = True
if token is not None:
yield token
if start_of_value_entry:
tokens_in_value = list(buffered_stream.takewhile(_non_end_of_line_token))
eol_token = cast('Deb822WhitespaceToken', next(buffered_stream, None))
assert eol_token is None or eol_token.text == '\n'
leading_whitespace = None
trailing_whitespace = None
# "Depends:\n foo" would cause tokens_in_value to be empty for the
# first "value line" (the empty part between ":" and "\n")
if tokens_in_value:
# Another special-case, "Depends: \n foo" (i.e. space after colon)
# should not introduce an IndexError
if isinstance(tokens_in_value[-1], Deb822WhitespaceToken):
trailing_whitespace = cast('Deb822WhitespaceToken',
if tokens_in_value and isinstance(tokens_in_value[-1], Deb822WhitespaceToken):
leading_whitespace = cast('Deb822WhitespaceToken', tokens_in_value[0])
tokens_in_value = tokens_in_value[1:]
yield Deb822ValueLineElement(comment_element,
comment_element = None
continuation_line_token = None
def _build_field_with_value(
token_stream # type: Iterable[Union[TokenOrElement, Deb822ValueElement]]
# type: (...) -> Iterable[Union[TokenOrElement, Deb822KeyValuePairElement]]
buffered_stream = BufferingIterator(token_stream)
for token_or_element in buffered_stream:
start_of_field = False
comment_element = None
if isinstance(token_or_element, Deb822CommentElement):
comment_element = token_or_element
next_token = buffered_stream.peek()
start_of_field = isinstance(next_token, Deb822FieldNameToken)
if start_of_field:
# Remember to consume the field token, the we are aligned
token_or_element = next(buffered_stream)
except StopIteration: # pragma: no cover
raise AssertionError
elif isinstance(token_or_element, Deb822FieldNameToken):
start_of_field = True
if start_of_field:
field_name = token_or_element
next_tokens = buffered_stream.peek_many(2)
if len(next_tokens) < 2:
# Early EOF - should not be possible with how the tokenizer works
# right now, but now it is future proof.
if comment_element:
yield comment_element
error_elements = [field_name]
yield Deb822ErrorElement(error_elements)
separator, value_element = next_tokens
if isinstance(separator, Deb822FieldSeparatorToken) \
and isinstance(value_element, Deb822ValueElement):
# Consume the two tokens to align the stream
next(buffered_stream, None)
next(buffered_stream, None)
yield Deb822KeyValuePairElement(comment_element,
cast('Deb822FieldNameToken', field_name),
# We had a parse error, consume until the newline.
error_tokens = [token_or_element] # type: List[TokenOrElement]
nl = buffered_stream.peek()
# Take the newline as well if present
if nl and isinstance(nl, Deb822NewlineAfterValueToken):
next(buffered_stream, None)
yield Deb822ErrorElement(error_tokens)
# Token is not part of a field, emit it as-is
yield token_or_element
def parse_deb822_file(sequence, # type: Iterable[Union[str, bytes]]
accept_files_with_error_tokens=False, # type: bool
accept_files_with_duplicated_fields=False # type: bool
# type: (...) -> Deb822FileElement
:param sequence: An iterable over lines of str or bytes (an open file for
reading will do). The lines must include the trailing line ending ("\\n").
:param accept_files_with_error_tokens: If True, files with critical syntax
or parse errors will be returned as "successfully" parsed. Usually,
working on files with these kind of errors are not desirable as it is
hard to make sense of such files (and they might in fact not be a deb822
file at all). When set to False (the default) a ValueError is raised if
there is a critical syntax or parse error.
Note that duplicated fields in a paragraph is not considered a critical
parse error by this parser as the implementation can gracefully cope
with these. Use accept_files_with_duplicated_fields to determine if
such files should be accepted.
:param accept_files_with_duplicated_fields: If True, then
files containing paragraphs with duplicated fields will be returned as
"successfully" parsed even though they are invalid according to the
specification. The paragraphs will prefer the first appearance of the
field unless caller explicitly requests otherwise (e.g., via
Deb822ParagraphElement.configured_view). If False, then this method
will raise a ValueError if any duplicated fields are seen inside any
# The order of operations are important here. As an example,
# _build_value_line assumes that all comment tokens have been merged
# into comment elements. Likewise, _build_field_and_value assumes
# that value tokens (along with their comments) have been combined
# into elements.
tokens = tokenize_deb822_file(sequence) # type: Iterable[TokenOrElement]
tokens = _combine_comment_tokens_into_elements(tokens)
tokens = _build_value_line(tokens)
tokens = _combine_vl_elements_into_value_elements(tokens)
tokens = _build_field_with_value(tokens)
tokens = _combine_kvp_elements_into_paragraphs(tokens)
# Combine any free-floating error tokens into error elements. We do
# this last as it enable other parts of the parser to include error
# tokens in their error elements if they discover something is wrong.
tokens = _combine_error_tokens_into_elements(tokens)
deb822_file = Deb822FileElement(LinkedList(tokens))
if not accept_files_with_error_tokens:
error_element = deb822_file.find_first_error_element()
if error_element is not None:
error_as_text = error_element.convert_to_text().replace('\n', '\\n')
raise ValueError('Syntax or Parse error on the line: "{error_as_text}"'.format(
if not accept_files_with_duplicated_fields:
for no, paragraph in enumerate(deb822_file):
if isinstance(paragraph, Deb822DuplicateFieldsParagraphElement):
field_names = set()
dup_field = None
for field in paragraph.keys():
field_name, _, _ = _unpack_key(field)
# assert for mypy
assert isinstance(field_name, str)
if field_name in field_names:
dup_field = field_name
if dup_field is not None:
msg = 'Duplicate field "{dup_field}" in paragraph number {no}'
raise ValueError(msg.format(dup_field=dup_field, no=no))
return deb822_file
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
import doctest