Linux lhjmq-records 5.15.0-118-generic #128-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 5 09:28:59 UTC 2024 x86_64
Your IP :
package Pod::Simple::BlackBox;
# "What's in the box?" "Pain."
# This is where all the scary things happen: parsing lines into
# paragraphs; and then into directives, verbatims, and then also
# turning formatting sequences into treelets.
# Are you really sure you want to read this code?
# The basic work of this module Pod::Simple::BlackBox is doing the dirty work
# of parsing Pod into treelets (generally one per non-verbatim paragraph), and
# to call the proper callbacks on the treelets.
# Every node in a treelet is a ['name', {attrhash}, ...children...]
use integer; # vroom!
use strict;
use Carp ();
use vars qw($VERSION );
$VERSION = '3.42';
#use constant DEBUG => 7;
sub my_qr ($$) {
# $1 is a pattern to compile and return. Older perls compile any
# syntactically valid property, even if it isn't legal. To cope with
# this, return an empty string unless the compiled pattern also
# successfully matches $2, which the caller furnishes.
my ($input_re, $should_match) = @_;
# XXX could have a third parameter $shouldnt_match for extra safety
my $use_utf8 = ($] le 5.006002) ? 'use utf8;' : "";
my $re = eval "no warnings; $use_utf8 qr/$input_re/";
#print STDERR __LINE__, ": $input_re: $@\n" if $@;
return "" if $@;
my $matches = eval "no warnings; $use_utf8 '$should_match' =~ /$re/";
#print STDERR __LINE__, ": $input_re: $@\n" if $@;
return "" if $@;
#print STDERR __LINE__, ": SUCCESS: $re\n" if $matches;
return $re if $matches;
#print STDERR __LINE__, ": $re: didn't match\n";
return "";
require Pod::Simple;
*DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG unless defined &DEBUG
# Matches a character iff the character will have a different meaning
# if we choose CP1252 vs UTF-8 if there is no =encoding line.
# This is broken for early Perls on non-ASCII platforms.
my $non_ascii_re = my_qr('[[:^ascii:]]', "\xB6");
$non_ascii_re = qr/[\x80-\xFF]/ unless $non_ascii_re;
# Use patterns understandable by Perl 5.6, if possible
my $cs_re = do { no warnings; my_qr('\p{IsCs}', "\x{D800}") };
my $cn_re = my_qr('\p{IsCn}', "\x{09E4}"); # <reserved> code point unlikely
# to get assigned
my $rare_blocks_re = my_qr('[\p{InIPAExtensions}\p{InSpacingModifierLetters}]',
$rare_blocks_re = my_qr('[\x{0250}-\x{02FF}]', "\x{250}") unless $rare_blocks_re;
my $script_run_re = eval 'no warnings "experimental::script_run";
qr/(*script_run: ^ .* $ )/x';
my $latin_re = my_qr('[\p{IsLatin}\p{IsInherited}\p{IsCommon}]', "\x{100}");
unless ($latin_re) {
# This was machine generated to be the ranges of the union of the above
# three properties, with things that were undefined by Unicode 4.1 filling
# gaps. That is the version in use when Perl advanced enough to
# successfully compile and execute the above pattern.
$latin_re = my_qr('[\x00-\x{02E9}\x{02EC}-\x{0374}\x{037E}\x{0385}\x{0387}\x{0485}\x{0486}\x{0589}\x{060C}\x{061B}\x{061F}\x{0640}\x{064B}-\x{0655}\x{0670}\x{06DD}\x{0951}-\x{0954}\x{0964}\x{0965}\x{0E3F}\x{10FB}\x{16EB}-\x{16ED}\x{1735}\x{1736}\x{1802}\x{1803}\x{1805}\x{1D00}-\x{1D25}\x{1D2C}-\x{1D5C}\x{1D62}-\x{1D65}\x{1D6B}-\x{1D77}\x{1D79}-\x{1DBE}\x{1DC0}-\x{1EF9}\x{2000}-\x{2125}\x{2127}-\x{27FF}\x{2900}-\x{2B13}\x{2E00}-\x{2E1D}\x{2FF0}-\x{3004}\x{3006}\x{3008}-\x{3020}\x{302A}-\x{302D}\x{3030}-\x{3037}\x{303C}-\x{303F}\x{3099}-\x{309C}\x{30A0}\x{30FB}\x{30FC}\x{3190}-\x{319F}\x{31C0}-\x{31CF}\x{3220}-\x{325F}\x{327F}-\x{32CF}\x{3358}-\x{33FF}\x{4DC0}-\x{4DFF}\x{A700}-\x{A716}\x{FB00}-\x{FB06}\x{FD3E}\x{FD3F}\x{FE00}-\x{FE6B}\x{FEFF}-\x{FF65}\x{FF70}\x{FF9E}\x{FF9F}\x{FFE0}-\x{FFFD}\x{10100}-\x{1013F}\x{1D000}-\x{1D1DD}\x{1D300}-\x{1D7FF}]', "\x{100}");
my $every_char_is_latin_re = my_qr("^(?:$latin_re)*\\z", "A");
# Latin script code points not in the first release of Unicode
my $later_latin_re = my_qr('[^\P{IsLatin}\p{IsAge=1.1}]', "\x{1F6}");
# If this perl doesn't have the Deprecated property, there's only one code
# point in it that we need be concerned with.
my $deprecated_re = my_qr('\p{IsDeprecated}', "\x{149}");
$deprecated_re = qr/\x{149}/ unless $deprecated_re;
my $utf8_bom;
if (($] ge 5.007_003)) {
$utf8_bom = "\x{FEFF}";
} else {
$utf8_bom = "\xEF\xBB\xBF"; # No EBCDIC BOM detection for early Perls.
# This is used so that the 'content_seen' method doesn't return true on a
# file that just happens to have a line that matches /^=[a-zA-z]/. Only if
# there is a valid =foo line will we return that content was seen.
my $seen_legal_directive = 0;
sub parse_line { shift->parse_lines(@_) } # alias
# - - - Turn back now! Run away! - - -
sub parse_lines { # Usage: $parser->parse_lines(@lines)
# an undef means end-of-stream
my $self = shift;
my $code_handler = $self->{'code_handler'};
my $cut_handler = $self->{'cut_handler'};
my $wl_handler = $self->{'whiteline_handler'};
$self->{'line_count'} ||= 0;
my $scratch;
DEBUG > 4 and
print STDERR "# Parsing starting at line ", $self->{'line_count'}, ".\n";
DEBUG > 5 and
print STDERR "# About to parse lines: ",
join(' ', map defined($_) ? "[$_]" : "EOF", @_), "\n";
my $paras = ($self->{'paras'} ||= []);
# paragraph buffer. Because we need to defer processing of =over
# directives and verbatim paragraphs. We call _ponder_paragraph_buffer
# to process this.
$self->{'pod_para_count'} ||= 0;
# An attempt to match the pod portions of a line. This is not fool proof,
# but is good enough to serve as part of the heuristic for guessing the pod
# encoding if not specified.
my $codes = join '', grep { / ^ [A-Za-z] $/x } sort keys %{$self->{accept_codes}};
my $pod_chars_re = qr/ ^ = [A-Za-z]+ | [\Q$codes\E] < /x;
my $line;
foreach my $source_line (@_) {
if( $self->{'source_dead'} ) {
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "# Source is dead.\n";
unless( defined $source_line ) {
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "# Undef-line seen.\n";
push @$paras, ['~end', {'start_line' => $self->{'line_count'}}];
push @$paras, $paras->[-1], $paras->[-1];
# So that it definitely fills the buffer.
$self->{'source_dead'} = 1;
if( $self->{'line_count'}++ ) {
($line = $source_line) =~ tr/\n\r//d;
# If we don't have two vars, we'll end up with that there
# tr/// modding the (potentially read-only) original source line!
} else {
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "First line: [$source_line]\n";
if( ($line = $source_line) =~ s/^$utf8_bom//s ) {
DEBUG and print STDERR "UTF-8 BOM seen. Faking a '=encoding utf8'.\n";
$self->_handle_encoding_line( "=encoding utf8" );
delete $self->{'_processed_encoding'};
$line =~ tr/\n\r//d;
} elsif( $line =~ s/^\xFE\xFF//s ) {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Big-endian UTF-16 BOM seen. Aborting parsing.\n";
"UTF16-BE Byte Encoding Mark found; but Pod::Simple v$Pod::Simple::VERSION doesn't implement UTF16 yet."
splice @_;
push @_, undef;
# TODO: implement somehow?
} elsif( $line =~ s/^\xFF\xFE//s ) {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Little-endian UTF-16 BOM seen. Aborting parsing.\n";
"UTF16-LE Byte Encoding Mark found; but Pod::Simple v$Pod::Simple::VERSION doesn't implement UTF16 yet."
splice @_;
push @_, undef;
# TODO: implement somehow?
} else {
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "First line is BOM-less.\n";
($line = $source_line) =~ tr/\n\r//d;
if(!$self->{'parse_characters'} && !$self->{'encoding'}
&& ($self->{'in_pod'} || $line =~ /^=/s)
&& $line =~ /$non_ascii_re/
) {
my $encoding;
# No =encoding line, and we are at the first pod line in the input that
# contains a non-ascii byte, that is, one whose meaning varies depending
# on whether the file is encoded in UTF-8 or CP1252, which are the two
# possibilities permitted by the pod spec. (ASCII is assumed if the
# file only contains ASCII bytes.) In order to process this line, we
# need to figure out what encoding we will use for the file.
# Strictly speaking ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) refers to the code points
# 160-255, but it is used here, as it often colloquially is, to refer to
# the complete set of code points 0-255, including ASCII (0-127), the C1
# controls (128-159), and strict Latin 1 (160-255).
# CP1252 is effectively a superset of Latin 1, because it differs only
# from colloquial 8859-1 in the C1 controls, which are very unlikely to
# actually be present in 8859-1 files, so can be used for other purposes
# without conflict. CP 1252 uses most of them for graphic characters.
# Note that all ASCII-range bytes represent their corresponding code
# points in both CP1252 and UTF-8. In ASCII platform UTF-8, all other
# code points require multiple (non-ASCII) bytes to represent. (A
# separate paragraph for EBCDIC is below.) The multi-byte
# representation is quite structured. If we find an isolated byte that
# would require multiple bytes to represent in UTF-8, we know that the
# encoding is not UTF-8. If we find a sequence of bytes that violates
# the UTF-8 structure, we also can presume the encoding isn't UTF-8, and
# hence must be 1252.
# But there are ambiguous cases where we could guess wrong. If so, the
# user will end up having to supply an =encoding line. We use all
# readily available information to improve our chances of guessing
# right. The odds of something not being UTF-8, but still passing a
# UTF-8 validity test go down very rapidly with increasing length of the
# sequence. Therefore we look at all non-ascii sequences on the line.
# If any of the sequences can't be UTF-8, we quit there and choose
# CP1252. If all could be UTF-8, we see if any of the code points
# represented are unlikely to be in pod. If so, we guess CP1252. If
# not, we check if the line is all in the same script; if not guess
# CP1252; otherwise UTF-8. For perls that don't have convenient script
# run testing, see if there is both Latin and non-Latin. If so, CP1252,
# otherwise UTF-8.
# On EBCDIC platforms, the situation is somewhat different. In
# UTF-EBCDIC, not only do ASCII-range bytes represent their code points,
# but so do the bytes that are for the C1 controls. Recall that these
# correspond to the unused portion of 8859-1 that 1252 mostly takes
# over. That means that there are fewer code points that are
# represented by multi-bytes. But, note that the these controls are
# very unlikely to be in pod text. So if we encounter one of them, it
# means that it is quite likely CP1252 and not UTF-8. The net result is
# the same code below is used for both platforms.
# XXX probably if the line has E<foo> that evaluates to illegal CP1252,
# then it is UTF-8. But we haven't processed E<> yet.
goto set_1252 if $] lt 5.006_000; # No UTF-8 on very early perls
my $copy;
no warnings 'utf8';
if ($] ge 5.007_003) {
$copy = $line;
# On perls that have this function, we can use it to easily see if the
# sequence is valid UTF-8 or not; if valid it turns on the UTF-8 flag
# needed below for script run detection
goto set_1252 if ! utf8::decode($copy);
elsif (ord("A") != 65) { # Early EBCDIC, assume UTF-8. What's a windows
# code page doing here anyway?
goto set_utf8;
else { # ASCII, no decode(): do it ourselves using the fundamental
# characteristics of UTF-8
use if $] le 5.006002, 'utf8';
my $char_ord;
my $needed; # How many continuation bytes to gobble up
# Initialize the translated line with a dummy character that will be
# deleted after everything else is done. This dummy makes sure that
# $copy will be in UTF-8. Doing it now avoids the bugs in early perls
# with upgrading in the middle
$copy = chr(0x100);
# Parse through the line
for (my $i = 0; $i < length $line; $i++) {
my $byte = substr($line, $i, 1);
# ASCII bytes are trivially dealt with
if ($byte !~ $non_ascii_re) {
$copy .= $byte;
my $b_ord = ord $byte;
# Now figure out what this code point would be if the input is
# actually in UTF-8. If, in the process, we discover that it isn't
# well-formed UTF-8, we guess CP1252.
# Start the process. If it is UTF-8, we are at the first, start
# byte, of a multi-byte sequence. We look at this byte to figure
# out how many continuation bytes are needed, and to initialize the
# code point accumulator with the data from this byte.
# Normally the minimum continuation byte is 0x80, but in certain
# instances the minimum is a higher number. So the code below
# overrides this for those instances.
my $min_cont = 0x80;
if ($b_ord < 0xC2) { # A start byte < C2 is malformed
goto set_1252;
elsif ($b_ord <= 0xDF) {
$needed = 1;
$char_ord = $b_ord & 0x1F;
elsif ($b_ord <= 0xEF) {
$min_cont = 0xA0 if $b_ord == 0xE0;
$needed = 2;
$char_ord = $b_ord & (0x1F >> 1);
elsif ($b_ord <= 0xF4) {
$min_cont = 0x90 if $b_ord == 0xF0;
$needed = 3;
$char_ord = $b_ord & (0x1F >> 2);
else { # F4 is the highest start byte for legal Unicode; higher is
# unlikely to be in pod.
goto set_1252;
# ? not enough continuation bytes available
goto set_1252 if $i + $needed >= length $line;
# Accumulate the ordinal of the character from the remaining
# (continuation) bytes.
while ($needed-- > 0) {
my $cont = substr($line, ++$i, 1);
$b_ord = ord $cont;
goto set_1252 if $b_ord < $min_cont || $b_ord > 0xBF;
# In all cases, any next continuation bytes all have the same
# minimum legal value
$min_cont = 0x80;
# Accumulate this byte's contribution to the code point
$char_ord <<= 6;
$char_ord |= ($b_ord & 0x3F);
# Here, the sequence that formed this code point was valid UTF-8,
# so add the completed character to the output
$copy .= chr $char_ord;
} # End of loop through line
# Delete the dummy first character
$copy = substr($copy, 1);
# Here, $copy is legal UTF-8.
# If it can't be legal CP1252, no need to look further. (These bytes
# aren't valid in CP1252.) This test could have been placed higher in
# the code, but it seemed wrong to set the encoding to UTF-8 without
# making sure that the very first instance is well-formed. But what if
# it isn't legal CP1252 either? We have to choose one or the other, and
# It seems safer to favor the single-byte encoding over the multi-byte.
goto set_utf8 if ord("A") == 65 && $line =~ /[\x81\x8D\x8F\x90\x9D]/;
# The C1 controls are not likely to appear in pod
goto set_1252 if ord("A") == 65 && $copy =~ /[\x80-\x9F]/;
# Nor are surrogates nor unassigned, nor deprecated.
DEBUG > 8 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: surrogate\n" if $copy =~ $cs_re;
goto set_1252 if $cs_re && $copy =~ $cs_re;
DEBUG > 8 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: unassigned\n" if $cn_re && $copy =~ $cn_re;
goto set_1252 if $cn_re && $copy =~ $cn_re;
DEBUG > 8 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: deprecated\n" if $copy =~ $deprecated_re;
goto set_1252 if $copy =~ $deprecated_re;
# Nor are rare code points. But this is hard to determine. khw
# believes that IPA characters and the modifier letters are unlikely to
# be in pod (and certainly very unlikely to be the in the first line in
# the pod containing non-ASCII)
DEBUG > 8 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: rare\n" if $copy =~ $rare_blocks_re;
goto set_1252 if $rare_blocks_re && $copy =~ $rare_blocks_re;
# The first Unicode version included essentially every Latin character
# in modern usage. So, a Latin character not in the first release will
# unlikely be in pod.
DEBUG > 8 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: later_latin\n" if $later_latin_re && $copy =~ $later_latin_re;
goto set_1252 if $later_latin_re && $copy =~ $later_latin_re;
# On perls that handle script runs, if the UTF-8 interpretation yields
# a single script, we guess UTF-8, otherwise just having a mixture of
# scripts is suspicious, so guess CP1252. We first strip off, as best
# we can, the ASCII characters that look like they are pod directives,
# as these would always show as mixed with non-Latin text.
$copy =~ s/$pod_chars_re//g;
if ($script_run_re) {
goto set_utf8 if $copy =~ $script_run_re;
DEBUG > 8 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": not script run\n";
goto set_1252;
# Even without script runs, but on recent enough perls and Unicodes, we
# can check if there is a mixture of both Latin and non-Latin. Again,
# having a mixture of scripts is suspicious, so assume CP1252
# If it's all non-Latin, there is no CP1252, as that is Latin
# characters and punct, etc.
DEBUG > 8 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: not latin\n" if $copy !~ $latin_re;
goto set_utf8 if $copy !~ $latin_re;
DEBUG > 8 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: all latin\n" if $copy =~ $every_char_is_latin_re;
goto set_utf8 if $copy =~ $every_char_is_latin_re;
DEBUG > 8 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: mixed\n";
DEBUG > 9 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: is 1252\n";
$encoding = 'CP1252';
goto done_set;
DEBUG > 9 and print STDERR __LINE__, ": $copy: is UTF-8\n";
$encoding = 'UTF-8';
$self->_handle_encoding_line( "=encoding $encoding" );
delete $self->{'_processed_encoding'};
$self->{'_transcoder'} && $self->{'_transcoder'}->($line);
my ($word) = $line =~ /(\S*$non_ascii_re\S*)/;
"Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '$word'. Assuming $encoding"
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR "# Parsing line: [$line]\n";
if(!$self->{'in_pod'}) {
if($line =~ m/^=([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(?:\s|$)/s) {
if($1 eq 'cut') {
"=cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block."
## Before there were errata sections in the world, it was
## least-pessimal to abort processing the file. But now we can
## just barrel on thru (but still not start a pod block).
#splice @_;
#push @_, undef;
} else {
$self->{'in_pod'} = $self->{'start_of_pod_block'}
= $self->{'last_was_blank'} = 1;
# And fall thru to the pod-mode block further down
} else {
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR "# It's a code-line.\n";
$code_handler->(map $_, $line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self)
if $code_handler;
# Note: this may cause code to be processed out of order relative
# to pods, but in order relative to cuts.
# Note also that we haven't yet applied the transcoding to $line
# by time we call $code_handler!
if( $line =~ m/^#\s*line\s+(\d+)\s*(?:\s"([^"]+)")?\s*$/ ) {
# That RE is from perlsyn, section "Plain Old Comments (Not!)",
#$fname = $2 if defined $2;
#DEBUG > 1 and defined $2 and print STDERR "# Setting fname to \"$fname\"\n";
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "# Setting nextline to $1\n";
$self->{'line_count'} = $1 - 1;
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# Else we're in pod mode:
# Apply any necessary transcoding:
$self->{'_transcoder'} && $self->{'_transcoder'}->($line);
# HERE WE CATCH =encoding EARLY!
if( $line =~ m/^=encoding\s+\S+\s*$/s ) {
next if $self->parse_characters; # Ignore this line
$line = $self->_handle_encoding_line( $line );
if($line =~ m/^=cut/s) {
# here ends the pod block, and therefore the previous pod para
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Noting =cut at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
$self->{'in_pod'} = 0;
# ++$self->{'pod_para_count'};
# by now it's safe to consider the previous paragraph as done.
DEBUG > 6 and print STDERR "Processing any cut handler, line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
$cut_handler->(map $_, $line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self)
if $cut_handler;
# TODO: add to docs: Note: this may cause cuts to be processed out
# of order relative to pods, but in order relative to code.
} elsif($line =~ m/^(\s*)$/s) { # it's a blank line
if (defined $1 and $1 =~ /[^\S\r\n]/) { # it's a white line
$wl_handler->(map $_, $line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self)
if $wl_handler;
if(!$self->{'start_of_pod_block'} and @$paras and $paras->[-1][0] eq '~Verbatim') {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Saving blank line at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
push @{$paras->[-1]}, $line;
} # otherwise it's not interesting
if(!$self->{'start_of_pod_block'} and !$self->{'last_was_blank'}) {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Noting para ends with blank line at ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
$self->{'last_was_blank'} = 1;
} elsif($self->{'last_was_blank'}) { # A non-blank line starting a new para...
if($line =~ m/^(=[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\s+|$)(.*)/s) {
my $new = [$1, {'start_line' => $self->{'line_count'}}, $3];
$new->[1]{'~orig_spacer'} = $2 if $2 && $2 ne " ";
# Note that in "=head1 foo", the WS is lost.
# Example: ['=head1', {'start_line' => 123}, ' foo']
# by now it's safe to consider the previous paragraph as done.
push @$paras, $new; # the new incipient paragraph
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Starting new ${$paras}[-1][0] para at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
} elsif($line =~ m/^\s/s) {
if(!$self->{'start_of_pod_block'} and @$paras and $paras->[-1][0] eq '~Verbatim') {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Resuming verbatim para at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
push @{$paras->[-1]}, $line;
} else {
# by now it's safe to consider the previous paragraph as done.
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Starting verbatim para at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
push @$paras, ['~Verbatim', {'start_line' => $self->{'line_count'}}, $line];
} else {
# by now it's safe to consider the previous paragraph as done.
push @$paras, ['~Para', {'start_line' => $self->{'line_count'}}, $line];
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Starting plain para at line ${$self}{'line_count'}\n";
$self->{'last_was_blank'} = $self->{'start_of_pod_block'} = 0;
} else {
# It's a non-blank line /continuing/ the current para
if(@$paras) {
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Line ${$self}{'line_count'} continues current paragraph\n";
push @{$paras->[-1]}, $line;
} else {
# Unexpected case!
die "Continuing a paragraph but \@\$paras is empty?";
$self->{'last_was_blank'} = $self->{'start_of_pod_block'} = 0;
} # ends the big while loop
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR (pretty(@$paras), "\n");
return $self;
sub _handle_encoding_line {
my($self, $line) = @_;
return if $self->parse_characters;
# The point of this routine is to set $self->{'_transcoder'} as indicated.
return $line unless $line =~ m/^=encoding\s+(\S+)\s*$/s;
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Found an encoding line \"=encoding $1\"\n";
my $e = $1;
my $orig = $e;
push @{ $self->{'encoding_command_reqs'} }, "=encoding $orig";
my $enc_error;
# Cf. perldoc Encode and perldoc Encode::Supported
require Pod::Simple::Transcode;
if( $self->{'encoding'} ) {
my $norm_current = $self->{'encoding'};
my $norm_e = $e;
foreach my $that ($norm_current, $norm_e) {
$that = lc($that);
$that =~ s/[-_]//g;
if($norm_current eq $norm_e) {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "The '=encoding $orig' line is ",
"redundant. ($norm_current eq $norm_e). Ignoring.\n";
$enc_error = '';
# But that doesn't necessarily mean that the earlier one went okay
} else {
$enc_error = "Encoding is already set to " . $self->{'encoding'};
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR $enc_error;
} elsif (
# OK, let's turn on the encoding
do {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Setting encoding to $e\n";
$self->{'encoding'} = $e;
and $e eq 'HACKRAW'
) {
DEBUG and print STDERR " Putting in HACKRAW (no-op) encoding mode.\n";
} elsif( Pod::Simple::Transcode::->encoding_is_available($e) ) {
die($enc_error = "WHAT? _transcoder is already set?!")
if $self->{'_transcoder'}; # should never happen
require Pod::Simple::Transcode;
$self->{'_transcoder'} = Pod::Simple::Transcode::->make_transcoder($e);
eval {
my @x = ('', "abc", "123");
$@ && die( $enc_error =
"Really unexpected error setting up encoding $e: $@\nAborting"
$self->{'detected_encoding'} = $e;
} else {
my @supported = Pod::Simple::Transcode::->all_encodings;
# Note unsupported, and complain
DEBUG and print STDERR " Encoding [$e] is unsupported.",
"\nSupporteds: @supported\n";
my $suggestion = '';
# Look for a near match:
my $norm = lc($e);
$norm =~ tr[-_][]d;
my $n;
foreach my $enc (@supported) {
$n = lc($enc);
$n =~ tr[-_][]d;
next unless $n eq $norm;
$suggestion = " (Maybe \"$e\" should be \"$enc\"?)";
my $encmodver = Pod::Simple::Transcode::->encmodver;
$enc_error = join '' =>
"This document probably does not appear as it should, because its ",
"\"=encoding $e\" line calls for an unsupported encoding.",
$suggestion, " [$encmodver\'s supported encodings are: @supported]"
$self->scream( $self->{'line_count'}, $enc_error );
push @{ $self->{'encoding_command_statuses'} }, $enc_error;
if (defined($self->{'_processed_encoding'})) {
# Double declaration.
$self->scream( $self->{'line_count'}, 'Cannot have multiple =encoding directives');
$self->{'_processed_encoding'} = $orig;
return $line;
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sub _handle_encoding_second_level {
# By time this is called, the encoding (if well formed) will already
# have been acted on.
my($self, $para) = @_;
my @x = @$para;
my $content = join ' ', splice @x, 2;
$content =~ s/^\s+//s;
$content =~ s/\s+$//s;
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Ogling encoding directive: =encoding $content\n";
if (defined($self->{'_processed_encoding'})) {
#if($content ne $self->{'_processed_encoding'}) {
# Could it happen?
delete $self->{'_processed_encoding'};
# It's already been handled. Check for errors.
if(! $self->{'encoding_command_statuses'} ) {
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR " CRAZY ERROR: It wasn't really handled?!\n";
} elsif( $self->{'encoding_command_statuses'}[-1] ) {
$self->whine( $para->[1]{'start_line'},
sprintf "Couldn't do %s: %s",
$self->{'encoding_command_reqs' }[-1],
} else {
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR " (Yup, it was successfully handled already.)\n";
} else {
# Otherwise it's a syntax error
$self->whine( $para->[1]{'start_line'},
"Invalid =encoding syntax: $content"
my $m = -321; # magic line number
sub _gen_errata {
my $self = $_[0];
# Return 0 or more fake-o paragraphs explaining the accumulated
# errors on this document.
return() unless $self->{'errata'} and keys %{$self->{'errata'}};
my @out;
foreach my $line (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{'errata'}}) {
push @out,
['=item', {'start_line' => $m}, "Around line $line:"],
map( ['~Para', {'start_line' => $m, '~cooked' => 1},
#['~Top', {'start_line' => $m},
# TODO: report of unknown entities? unrenderable characters?
unshift @out,
['=head1', {'start_line' => $m, 'errata' => 1}, 'POD ERRORS'],
['~Para', {'start_line' => $m, '~cooked' => 1, 'errata' => 1},
"Hey! ",
['B', {},
'The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:'
['=over', {'start_line' => $m, 'errata' => 1}, ''],
push @out,
['=back', {'start_line' => $m, 'errata' => 1}, ''],
DEBUG and print STDERR "\n<<\n", pretty(\@out), "\n>>\n\n";
return @out;
## stop reading now stop reading now stop reading now stop reading now stop
## stop reading now stop reading now stop reading now stop reading now stop
sub _ponder_paragraph_buffer {
# Para-token types as found in the buffer.
# ~Verbatim, ~Para, ~end, =head1..4, =for, =begin, =end,
# =over, =back, =item
# and the null =pod (to be complained about if over one line)
# "~data" paragraphs are something we generate at this level, depending on
# a currently open =over region
# Events fired: Begin and end for:
# directivename (like head1 .. head4), item, extend,
# for (from =begin...=end, =for),
# over-bullet, over-number, over-text, over-block,
# item-bullet, item-number, item-text,
# Document,
# Data, Para, Verbatim
# B, C, longdirname (TODO -- wha?), etc. for all directives
my $self = $_[0];
my $paras;
return unless @{$paras = $self->{'paras'}};
my $curr_open = ($self->{'curr_open'} ||= []);
my $scratch;
DEBUG > 10 and print STDERR "# Paragraph buffer: <<", pretty($paras), ">>\n";
# We have something in our buffer. So apparently the document has started.
unless($self->{'doc_has_started'}) {
$self->{'doc_has_started'} = 1;
my $starting_contentless;
$starting_contentless =
and @$paras and ! grep $_->[0] ne '~end', @$paras
# i.e., if the paras is all ~ends
DEBUG and print STDERR "# Starting ",
$starting_contentless ? 'contentless' : 'contentful',
" document\n"
($scratch = 'Document'),
'start_line' => $paras->[0][1]{'start_line'},
$starting_contentless ? ( 'contentless' => 1 ) : (),
my($para, $para_type);
while(@$paras) {
# If a directive, assume it's legal; subtract below if found not to be
$seen_legal_directive++ if $paras->[0][0] =~ /^=/;
last if @$paras == 1
and ( $paras->[0][0] eq '=over'
or $paras->[0][0] eq '=item'
or ($paras->[0][0] eq '~Verbatim' and $self->{'in_pod'}));
# Those're the three kinds of paragraphs that require lookahead.
# Actually, an "=item Foo" inside an <over type=text> region
# and any =item inside an <over type=block> region (rare)
# don't require any lookahead, but all others (bullets
# and numbers) do.
# The verbatim is different from the other two, because those might be
# like:
# =item
# ...
# =cut
# ...
# =item
# The =cut here finishes the paragraph but doesn't terminate the =over
# they should be in. (khw apologizes that he didn't comment at the time
# why the 'in_pod' works, and no longer remembers why, and doesn't think
# it is currently worth the effort to re-figure it out.)
# TODO: whinge about many kinds of directives in non-resolving =for regions?
# TODO: many? like what? =head1 etc?
$para = shift @$paras;
$para_type = $para->[0];
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Pondering a $para_type paragraph, given the stack: (",
$self->_dump_curr_open(), ")\n";
if($para_type eq '=for') {
next if $self->_ponder_for($para,$curr_open,$paras);
} elsif($para_type eq '=begin') {
next if $self->_ponder_begin($para,$curr_open,$paras);
} elsif($para_type eq '=end') {
next if $self->_ponder_end($para,$curr_open,$paras);
} elsif($para_type eq '~end') { # The virtual end-document signal
next if $self->_ponder_doc_end($para,$curr_open,$paras);
# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
#~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
if(grep $_->[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open) {
DEBUG > 1 and
print STDERR "Skipping $para_type paragraph because in ignore mode.\n";
#~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
if($para_type eq '=pod') {
} elsif($para_type eq '=over') {
next if $self->_ponder_over($para,$curr_open,$paras);
} elsif($para_type eq '=back') {
next if $self->_ponder_back($para,$curr_open,$paras);
} else {
# All non-magical codes!!!
# Here we start using $para_type for our own twisted purposes, to
# mean how it should get treated, not as what the element name
# should be.
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Pondering non-magical $para_type\n";
my $i;
# Enforce some =headN discipline
if($para_type =~ m/^=head\d$/s
and ! $self->{'accept_heads_anywhere'}
and @$curr_open
and $curr_open->[-1][0] eq '=over'
) {
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "'=$para_type' inside an '=over'!\n";
"You forgot a '=back' before '$para_type'"
unshift @$paras, ['=back', {}, ''], $para; # close the =over
if($para_type eq '=item') {
my $over;
unless(@$curr_open and
$over = (grep { $_->[0] eq '=over' } @$curr_open)[-1]) {
"'=item' outside of any '=over'"
unshift @$paras,
['=over', {'start_line' => $para->[1]{'start_line'}}, ''],
my $over_type = $over->[1]{'~type'};
if(!$over_type) {
# Shouldn't happen1
die "Typeless over in stack, starting at line "
. $over->[1]{'start_line'};
} elsif($over_type eq 'block') {
unless($curr_open->[-1][1]{'~bitched_about'}) {
$curr_open->[-1][1]{'~bitched_about'} = 1;
"You can't have =items (as at line "
. $para->[1]{'start_line'}
. ") unless the first thing after the =over is an =item"
# Just turn it into a paragraph and reconsider it
$para->[0] = '~Para';
unshift @$paras, $para;
} elsif($over_type eq 'text') {
my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
# That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
DEBUG and print STDERR " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
if($item_type eq 'text') {
# Nothing special needs doing for 'text'
} elsif($item_type eq 'number' or $item_type eq 'bullet') {
"Expected text after =item, not a $item_type"
# Undo our clobbering:
push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
delete $para->[1]{'number'};
# Only a PROPER item-number element is allowed
# to have a number attribute.
} else {
die "Unhandled item type $item_type"; # should never happen
# =item-text thingies don't need any assimilation, it seems.
} elsif($over_type eq 'number') {
my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
# That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
DEBUG and print STDERR " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
my $expected_value = ++ $curr_open->[-1][1]{'~counter'};
if($item_type eq 'bullet') {
# Hm, it's not numeric. Correct for this.
$para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value;
"Expected '=item $expected_value'"
push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
# restore the bullet, blocking the assimilation of next para
} elsif($item_type eq 'text') {
# Hm, it's not numeric. Correct for this.
$para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value;
"Expected '=item $expected_value'"
# Text content will still be there and will block next ~Para
} elsif($item_type ne 'number') {
die "Unknown item type $item_type"; # should never happen
} elsif($expected_value == $para->[1]{'number'}) {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Numeric item has the expected value of $expected_value\n";
} else {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Numeric item has ", $para->[1]{'number'},
" instead of the expected value of $expected_value\n";
"You have '=item " . $para->[1]{'number'} .
"' instead of the expected '=item $expected_value'"
$para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value; # correcting!!
if(@$para == 2) {
# For the cases where we /didn't/ push to @$para
if($paras->[0][0] eq '~Para') {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Assimilating following ~Para content into $over_type item\n";
push @$para, splice @{shift @$paras},2;
} else {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Can't assimilate following ", $paras->[0][0], "\n";
push @$para, ''; # Just so it's not contentless
} elsif($over_type eq 'bullet') {
my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
# That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
DEBUG and print STDERR " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
if($item_type eq 'bullet') {
# as expected!
if( $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'} ) {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Accomodating '=item * Foo' tolerance hack.\n";
push @$para, $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'};
} elsif($item_type eq 'number') {
"Expected '=item *'"
push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
# and block assimilation of the next paragraph
delete $para->[1]{'number'};
# Only a PROPER item-number element is allowed
# to have a number attribute.
} elsif($item_type eq 'text') {
"Expected '=item *'"
# But doesn't need processing. But it'll block assimilation
# of the next para.
} else {
die "Unhandled item type $item_type"; # should never happen
if(@$para == 2) {
# For the cases where we /didn't/ push to @$para
if($paras->[0][0] eq '~Para') {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Assimilating following ~Para content into $over_type item\n";
push @$para, splice @{shift @$paras},2;
} else {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Can't assimilate following ", $paras->[0][0], "\n";
push @$para, ''; # Just so it's not contentless
} else {
die "Unhandled =over type \"$over_type\"?";
# Shouldn't happen!
$para_type = 'Plain';
$para->[0] .= '-' . $over_type;
# Whew. Now fall thru and process it.
} elsif($para_type eq '=extend') {
# Well, might as well implement it here.
next; # and skip
} elsif($para_type eq '=encoding') {
# Not actually acted on here, but we catch errors here.
next unless $self->keep_encoding_directive;
$para_type = 'Plain';
} elsif($para_type eq '~Verbatim') {
$para->[0] = 'Verbatim';
$para_type = '?Verbatim';
} elsif($para_type eq '~Para') {
$para->[0] = 'Para';
$para_type = '?Plain';
} elsif($para_type eq 'Data') {
$para->[0] = 'Data';
$para_type = '?Data';
} elsif( $para_type =~ s/^=//s
and defined( $para_type = $self->{'accept_directives'}{$para_type} )
) {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Pondering known directive ${$para}[0] as $para_type\n";
} else {
# An unknown directive!
DEBUG > 1 and printf STDERR "Unhandled directive %s (Handled: %s)\n",
$para->[0], join(' ', sort keys %{$self->{'accept_directives'}} )
"Unknown directive: $para->[0]"
# And maybe treat it as text instead of just letting it go?
if($para_type =~ s/^\?//s) {
if(! @$curr_open) { # usual case
DEBUG and print STDERR "Treating $para_type paragraph as such because stack is empty.\n";
} else {
my @fors = grep $_->[0] eq '=for', @$curr_open;
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Containing fors: ",
join(',', map $_->[1]{'target'}, @fors), "\n";
if(! @fors) {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Treating $para_type paragraph as such because stack has no =for's\n";
#} elsif(grep $_->[1]{'~resolve'}, @fors) {
#} elsif(not grep !$_->[1]{'~resolve'}, @fors) {
} elsif( $fors[-1][1]{'~resolve'} ) {
# Look to the immediately containing for
if($para_type eq 'Data') {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Treating Data paragraph as Plain/Verbatim because the containing =for ($fors[-1][1]{'target'}) is a resolver\n";
$para->[0] = 'Para';
$para_type = 'Plain';
} else {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Treating $para_type paragraph as such because the containing =for ($fors[-1][1]{'target'}) is a resolver\n";
} else {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Treating $para_type paragraph as Data because the containing =for ($fors[-1][1]{'target'}) is a non-resolver\n";
$para->[0] = $para_type = 'Data';
if($para_type eq 'Plain') {
} elsif($para_type eq 'Verbatim') {
} elsif($para_type eq 'Data') {
} else {
die "\$para type is $para_type -- how did that happen?";
# Shouldn't happen.
$para->[0] =~ s/^[~=]//s;
DEBUG and print STDERR "\n", pretty($para), "\n";
# traverse the treelet (which might well be just one string scalar)
$self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1 if $seen_legal_directive
&& ! $self->{'~tried_gen_errata'};
# The sub-ponderers...
sub _ponder_for {
my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
# Fake it out as a begin/end
my $target;
if(grep $_->[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open) {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Ignoring ignorable =for\n";
return 1;
for(my $i = 2; $i < @$para; ++$i) {
if($para->[$i] =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*//s) {
$target = $1;
unless(defined $target) {
"=for without a target?"
return 1;
DEBUG > 1 and
print STDERR "Faking out a =for $target as a =begin $target / =end $target\n";
$para->[0] = 'Data';
unshift @$paras,
{'start_line' => $para->[1]{'start_line'}, '~really' => '=for'},
{'start_line' => $para->[1]{'start_line'}, '~really' => '=for'},
return 1;
sub _ponder_begin {
my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
$content =~ s/^\s+//s;
$content =~ s/\s+$//s;
unless(length($content)) {
"=begin without a target?"
DEBUG and print STDERR "Ignoring targetless =begin\n";
return 1;
my ($target, $title) = $content =~ m/^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;
$para->[1]{'title'} = $title if ($title);
$para->[1]{'target'} = $target; # without any ':'
$content = $target; # strip off the title
$content =~ s/^:!/!:/s;
my $neg; # whether this is a negation-match
$neg = 1 if $content =~ s/^!//s;
my $to_resolve; # whether to process formatting codes
$to_resolve = 1 if $content =~ s/^://s;
my $dont_ignore; # whether this target matches us
foreach my $target_name (
split(',', $content, -1),
$neg ? () : '*'
) {
DEBUG > 2 and
print STDERR " Considering whether =begin $content matches $target_name\n";
next unless $self->{'accept_targets'}{$target_name};
DEBUG > 2 and
print STDERR " It DOES match the acceptable target $target_name!\n";
$to_resolve = 1
if $self->{'accept_targets'}{$target_name} eq 'force_resolve';
$dont_ignore = 1;
$para->[1]{'target_matching'} = $target_name;
last; # stop looking at other target names
if($neg) {
if( $dont_ignore ) {
$dont_ignore = '';
delete $para->[1]{'target_matching'};
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR " But the leading ! means that this is a NON-match!\n";
} else {
$dont_ignore = 1;
$para->[1]{'target_matching'} = '!';
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR " But the leading ! means that this IS a match!\n";
$para->[0] = '=for'; # Just what we happen to call these, internally
$para->[1]{'~really'} ||= '=begin';
$para->[1]{'~ignore'} = (! $dont_ignore) || 0;
$para->[1]{'~resolve'} = $to_resolve || 0;
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Making note to ", $dont_ignore ? 'not ' : '',
"ignore contents of this region\n";
DEBUG > 1 and $dont_ignore and print STDERR " Making note to treat contents as ",
($to_resolve ? 'verbatim/plain' : 'data'), " paragraphs\n";
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " (Stack now: ", $self->_dump_curr_open(), ")\n";
push @$curr_open, $para;
if(!$dont_ignore or scalar grep $_->[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open) {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Ignoring ignorable =begin\n";
} else {
$self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1 unless $self->{'~tried_gen_errata'};
$self->_handle_element_start((my $scratch='for'), $para->[1]);
return 1;
sub _ponder_end {
my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
$content =~ s/^\s+//s;
$content =~ s/\s+$//s;
DEBUG and print STDERR "Ogling '=end $content' directive\n";
unless(length($content)) {
"'=end' without a target?" . (
( @$curr_open and $curr_open->[-1][0] eq '=for' )
? ( " (Should be \"=end " . $curr_open->[-1][1]{'target'} . '")' )
: ''
DEBUG and print STDERR "Ignoring targetless =end\n";
return 1;
unless($content =~ m/^\S+$/) { # i.e., unless it's one word
"'=end $content' is invalid. (Stack: "
. $self->_dump_curr_open() . ')'
DEBUG and print STDERR "Ignoring mistargetted =end $content\n";
return 1;
unless(@$curr_open and $curr_open->[-1][0] eq '=for') {
"=end $content without matching =begin. (Stack: "
. $self->_dump_curr_open() . ')'
DEBUG and print STDERR "Ignoring mistargetted =end $content\n";
return 1;
unless($content eq $curr_open->[-1][1]{'target'}) {
"=end $content doesn't match =begin "
. $curr_open->[-1][1]{'target'}
. ". (Stack: "
. $self->_dump_curr_open() . ')'
DEBUG and print STDERR "Ignoring mistargetted =end $content at line $para->[1]{'start_line'}\n";
return 1;
# Else it's okay to close...
if(grep $_->[1]{'~ignore'}, @$curr_open) {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Not firing any event for this =end $content because in an ignored region\n";
# And that may be because of this to-be-closed =for region, or some
# other one, but it doesn't matter.
} else {
$curr_open->[-1][1]{'start_line'} = $para->[1]{'start_line'};
# what's that for?
$self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1 unless $self->{'~tried_gen_errata'};
$self->_handle_element_end( my $scratch = 'for', $para->[1]);
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Popping $curr_open->[-1][0] $curr_open->[-1][1]{'target'} because of =end $content\n";
pop @$curr_open;
return 1;
sub _ponder_doc_end {
my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
if(@$curr_open) { # Deal with things left open
DEBUG and print STDERR "Stack is nonempty at end-document: (",
$self->_dump_curr_open(), ")\n";
DEBUG > 9 and print STDERR "Stack: ", pretty($curr_open), "\n";
unshift @$paras, $self->_closers_for_all_curr_open;
# Make sure there is exactly one ~end in the parastack, at the end:
@$paras = grep $_->[0] ne '~end', @$paras;
push @$paras, $para, $para;
# We need two -- once for the next cycle where we
# generate errata, and then another to be at the end
# when that loop back around to process the errata.
return 1;
} else {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Okay, stack is empty now.\n";
# Try generating errata section, if applicable
unless($self->{'~tried_gen_errata'}) {
$self->{'~tried_gen_errata'} = 1;
my @extras = $self->_gen_errata();
if(@extras) {
unshift @$paras, @extras;
DEBUG and print STDERR "Generated errata... relooping...\n";
return 1; # I.e., loop around again to process these fake-o paragraphs
splice @$paras; # Well, that's that for this paragraph buffer.
DEBUG and print STDERR "Throwing end-document event.\n";
$self->_handle_element_end( my $scratch = 'Document' );
return 1; # Hasta la byebye
sub _ponder_pod {
my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
"=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all "
. (@$para - 2) . " lines of content"
) if @$para > 3;
# Content ignored unless 'pod_handler' is set
if (my $pod_handler = $self->{'pod_handler'}) {
my ($line_num, $line) = map $_, $para->[1]{'start_line'}, $para->[2];
$line = $line eq '' ? "=pod" : "=pod $line"; # imitate cut_handler output
$pod_handler->($line, $line_num, $self);
# The surrounding methods set content_seen, so let us remain consistent.
# I do not know why it was not here before -- should it not be here?
# $self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1 unless $self->{'~tried_gen_errata'};
sub _ponder_over {
my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
return 1 unless @$paras;
my $list_type;
if($paras->[0][0] eq '=item') { # most common case
$list_type = $self->_get_initial_item_type($paras->[0]);
} elsif($paras->[0][0] eq '=back') {
# Ignore empty lists by default
if ($self->{'parse_empty_lists'}) {
$list_type = 'empty';
} else {
shift @$paras;
return 1;
} elsif($paras->[0][0] eq '~end') {
"=over is the last thing in the document?!"
return 1; # But feh, ignore it.
} else {
$list_type = 'block';
$para->[1]{'~type'} = $list_type;
push @$curr_open, $para;
# yes, we reuse the paragraph as a stack item
my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
$para->[1]{'~orig_content'} = $content;
my $overness;
if($content =~ m/^\s*$/s) {
$para->[1]{'indent'} = 4;
} elsif($content =~ m/^\s*((?:\d*\.)?\d+)\s*$/s) {
no integer;
$para->[1]{'indent'} = $1;
if($1 == 0) {
"Can't have a 0 in =over $content"
$para->[1]{'indent'} = 4;
} else {
"=over should be: '=over' or '=over positive_number'"
$para->[1]{'indent'} = 4;
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "=over found of type $list_type\n";
$self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1 unless $self->{'~tried_gen_errata'};
$self->_handle_element_start((my $scratch = 'over-' . $list_type), $para->[1]);
sub _ponder_back {
my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
# TODO: fire off </item-number> or </item-bullet> or </item-text> ??
my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
if($content =~ m/\S/) {
"=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back $content"
if(@$curr_open and $curr_open->[-1][0] eq '=over') {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "=back happily closes matching =over\n";
# Expected case: we're closing the most recently opened thing
#my $over = pop @$curr_open;
$self->{'content_seen'} ||= 1 unless $self->{'~tried_gen_errata'};
$self->_handle_element_end( my $scratch =
'over-' . ( (pop @$curr_open)->[1]{'~type'} ), $para->[1]
} else {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "=back found without a matching =over. Stack: (",
join(', ', map $_->[0], @$curr_open), ").\n";
'=back without =over'
return 1; # and ignore it
sub _ponder_item {
my ($self,$para,$curr_open,$paras) = @_;
my $over;
unless(@$curr_open and
$over = (grep { $_->[0] eq '=over' } @$curr_open)[-1]) {
"'=item' outside of any '=over'"
unshift @$paras,
['=over', {'start_line' => $para->[1]{'start_line'}}, ''],
return 1;
my $over_type = $over->[1]{'~type'};
if(!$over_type) {
# Shouldn't happen1
die "Typeless over in stack, starting at line "
. $over->[1]{'start_line'};
} elsif($over_type eq 'block') {
unless($curr_open->[-1][1]{'~bitched_about'}) {
$curr_open->[-1][1]{'~bitched_about'} = 1;
"You can't have =items (as at line "
. $para->[1]{'start_line'}
. ") unless the first thing after the =over is an =item"
# Just turn it into a paragraph and reconsider it
$para->[0] = '~Para';
unshift @$paras, $para;
return 1;
} elsif($over_type eq 'text') {
my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
# That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
DEBUG and print STDERR " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
if($item_type eq 'text') {
# Nothing special needs doing for 'text'
} elsif($item_type eq 'number' or $item_type eq 'bullet') {
"Expected text after =item, not a $item_type"
# Undo our clobbering:
push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
delete $para->[1]{'number'};
# Only a PROPER item-number element is allowed
# to have a number attribute.
} else {
die "Unhandled item type $item_type"; # should never happen
# =item-text thingies don't need any assimilation, it seems.
} elsif($over_type eq 'number') {
my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
# That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
DEBUG and print STDERR " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
my $expected_value = ++ $curr_open->[-1][1]{'~counter'};
if($item_type eq 'bullet') {
# Hm, it's not numeric. Correct for this.
$para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value;
"Expected '=item $expected_value'"
push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
# restore the bullet, blocking the assimilation of next para
} elsif($item_type eq 'text') {
# Hm, it's not numeric. Correct for this.
$para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value;
"Expected '=item $expected_value'"
# Text content will still be there and will block next ~Para
} elsif($item_type ne 'number') {
die "Unknown item type $item_type"; # should never happen
} elsif($expected_value == $para->[1]{'number'}) {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Numeric item has the expected value of $expected_value\n";
} else {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Numeric item has ", $para->[1]{'number'},
" instead of the expected value of $expected_value\n";
"You have '=item " . $para->[1]{'number'} .
"' instead of the expected '=item $expected_value'"
$para->[1]{'number'} = $expected_value; # correcting!!
if(@$para == 2) {
# For the cases where we /didn't/ push to @$para
if($paras->[0][0] eq '~Para') {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Assimilating following ~Para content into $over_type item\n";
push @$para, splice @{shift @$paras},2;
} else {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Can't assimilate following ", $paras->[0][0], "\n";
push @$para, ''; # Just so it's not contentless
} elsif($over_type eq 'bullet') {
my $item_type = $self->_get_item_type($para);
# That kills the content of the item if it's a number or bullet.
DEBUG and print STDERR " Item is of type ", $para->[0], " under $over_type\n";
if($item_type eq 'bullet') {
# as expected!
if( $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'} ) {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Accomodating '=item * Foo' tolerance hack.\n";
push @$para, $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'};
} elsif($item_type eq 'number') {
"Expected '=item *'"
push @$para, $para->[1]{'~orig_content'};
# and block assimilation of the next paragraph
delete $para->[1]{'number'};
# Only a PROPER item-number element is allowed
# to have a number attribute.
} elsif($item_type eq 'text') {
"Expected '=item *'"
# But doesn't need processing. But it'll block assimilation
# of the next para.
} else {
die "Unhandled item type $item_type"; # should never happen
if(@$para == 2) {
# For the cases where we /didn't/ push to @$para
if($paras->[0][0] eq '~Para') {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Assimilating following ~Para content into $over_type item\n";
push @$para, splice @{shift @$paras},2;
} else {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Can't assimilate following ", $paras->[0][0], "\n";
push @$para, ''; # Just so it's not contentless
} else {
die "Unhandled =over type \"$over_type\"?";
# Shouldn't happen!
$para->[0] .= '-' . $over_type;
sub _ponder_Plain {
my ($self,$para) = @_;
DEBUG and print STDERR " giving plain treatment...\n";
unless( @$para == 2 or ( @$para == 3 and $para->[2] eq '' )
or $para->[1]{'~cooked'}
) {
push @$para,
join("\n", splice(@$para, 2)),
# Empty paragraphs don't need a treelet for any reason I can see.
# And precooked paragraphs already have a treelet.
sub _ponder_Verbatim {
my ($self,$para) = @_;
DEBUG and print STDERR " giving verbatim treatment...\n";
$para->[1]{'xml:space'} = 'preserve';
unless ($self->{'_output_is_for_JustPod'}) {
# Fix illegal settings for expand_verbatim_tabs()
# This is because this module doesn't do input error checking, but khw
# doesn't want to add yet another instance of that.
if ! defined $self->expand_verbatim_tabs()
|| $self->expand_verbatim_tabs() =~ /\D/;
my $indent = $self->strip_verbatim_indent;
if ($indent && ref $indent eq 'CODE') {
my @shifted = (shift @{$para}, shift @{$para});
$indent = $indent->($para);
unshift @{$para}, @shifted;
for(my $i = 2; $i < @$para; $i++) {
foreach my $line ($para->[$i]) { # just for aliasing
# Strip indentation.
$line =~ s/^\Q$indent// if $indent;
next unless $self->expand_verbatim_tabs;
# This is commented out because of github issue #85, and the
# current maintainers don't know why it was there in the first
# place.
#&& !($self->{accept_codes} && $self->{accept_codes}{VerbatimFormatted});
while( $line =~
# Sort of adapted from Text::Tabs.
s/^([^\t]*)(\t+)/$1.(" " x ((length($2)
* $self->expand_verbatim_tabs)
) {}
# TODO: whinge about (or otherwise treat) unindented or overlong lines
# Now the VerbatimFormatted hoodoo...
if( $self->{'accept_codes'} and
) {
while(@$para > 3 and $para->[-1] !~ m/\S/) { pop @$para }
# Kill any number of terminal newlines
} elsif ($self->{'codes_in_verbatim'}) {
push @$para,
join("\n", splice(@$para, 2)),
$para->[1]{'start_line'}, $para->[1]{'xml:space'}
$para->[-1] =~ s/\n+$//s; # Kill any number of terminal newlines
} else {
push @$para, join "\n", splice(@$para, 2) if @$para > 3;
$para->[-1] =~ s/\n+$//s; # Kill any number of terminal newlines
sub _ponder_Data {
my ($self,$para) = @_;
DEBUG and print STDERR " giving data treatment...\n";
$para->[1]{'xml:space'} = 'preserve';
push @$para, join "\n", splice(@$para, 2) if @$para > 3;
sub _traverse_treelet_bit { # for use only by the routine above
my($self, $name) = splice @_,0,2;
my $scratch;
$self->_handle_element_start(($scratch=$name), shift @_);
while (@_) {
my $x = shift;
if (ref($x)) {
&_traverse_treelet_bit($self, @$x);
} else {
$x .= shift while @_ && !ref($_[0]);
sub _closers_for_all_curr_open {
my $self = $_[0];
my @closers;
foreach my $still_open (@{ $self->{'curr_open'} || return }) {
my @copy = @$still_open;
$copy[1] = {%{ $copy[1] }};
#$copy[1]{'start_line'} = -1;
if($copy[0] eq '=for') {
$copy[0] = '=end';
} elsif($copy[0] eq '=over') {
$still_open->[1]{start_line} ,
"=over without closing =back"
$copy[0] = '=back';
} else {
die "I don't know how to auto-close an open $copy[0] region";
unless( @copy > 2 ) {
push @copy, $copy[1]{'target'};
$copy[-1] = '' unless defined $copy[-1];
# since =over's don't have targets
$copy[1]{'fake-closer'} = 1;
DEBUG and print STDERR "Queuing up fake-o event: ", pretty(\@copy), "\n";
unshift @closers, \@copy;
return @closers;
sub _verbatim_format {
my($it, $p) = @_;
my $formatting;
for(my $i = 2; $i < @$p; $i++) { # work backwards over the lines
DEBUG and print STDERR "_verbatim_format appends a newline to $i: $p->[$i]\n";
$p->[$i] .= "\n";
# Unlike with simple Verbatim blocks, we don't end up just doing
# a join("\n", ...) on the contents, so we have to append a
# newline to every line, and then nix the last one later.
if( DEBUG > 4 ) {
print STDERR "<<\n";
for(my $i = $#$p; $i >= 2; $i--) { # work backwards over the lines
print STDERR "_verbatim_format $i: $p->[$i]";
print STDERR ">>\n";
for(my $i = $#$p; $i > 2; $i--) {
# work backwards over the lines, except the first (#2)
#next unless $p->[$i] =~ m{^#:([ \^\/\%]*)\n?$}s
# and $p->[$i-1] !~ m{^#:[ \^\/\%]*\n?$}s;
# look at a formatty line preceding a nonformatty one
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR "Scrutinizing line $i: $$p[$i]\n";
if($p->[$i] =~ m{^#:([ \^\/\%]*)\n?$}s) {
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR " It's a formatty line. ",
"Peeking at previous line ", $i-1, ": $$p[$i-1]: \n";
if( $p->[$i-1] =~ m{^#:[ \^\/\%]*\n?$}s ) {
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR " Previous line is formatty! Skipping this one.\n";
} else {
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR " Previous line is non-formatty! Yay!\n";
} else {
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR " It's not a formatty line. Ignoring\n";
# A formatty line has to have #: in the first two columns, and uses
# "^" to mean bold, "/" to mean underline, and "%" to mean bold italic.
# Example:
# What do you want? i like pie. [or whatever]
# #:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /////////////
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "_verbatim_format considers:\n<$p->[$i-1]>\n<$p->[$i]>\n";
$formatting = ' ' . $1;
$formatting =~ s/\s+$//s; # nix trailing whitespace
unless(length $formatting and $p->[$i-1] =~ m/\S/) { # no-op
splice @$p,$i,1; # remove this line
$i--; # don't consider next line
if( length($formatting) >= length($p->[$i-1]) ) {
$formatting = substr($formatting, 0, length($p->[$i-1]) - 1) . ' ';
} else {
$formatting .= ' ' x (length($p->[$i-1]) - length($formatting));
# Make $formatting and the previous line be exactly the same length,
# with $formatting having a " " as the last character.
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "Formatting <$formatting> on <", $p->[$i-1], ">\n";
my @new_line;
while( $formatting =~ m{\G(( +)|(\^+)|(\/+)|(\%+))}g ) {
#print STDERR "Format matches $1\n";
if($2) {
#print STDERR "SKIPPING <$2>\n";
push @new_line,
substr($p->[$i-1], pos($formatting)-length($1), length($1));
} else {
#print STDERR "SNARING $+\n";
push @new_line, [
$3 ? 'VerbatimB' :
$4 ? 'VerbatimI' :
$5 ? 'VerbatimBI' : die("Should never get called")
), {},
substr($p->[$i-1], pos($formatting)-length($1), length($1))
#print STDERR "Formatting <$new_line[-1][-1]> as $new_line[-1][0]\n";
my @nixed =
splice @$p, $i-1, 2, @new_line; # replace myself and the next line
DEBUG > 10 and print STDERR "Nixed count: ", scalar(@nixed), "\n";
DEBUG > 6 and print STDERR "New version of the above line is these tokens (",
scalar(@new_line), "):",
map( ref($_)?"<@$_> ":"<$_>", @new_line ), "\n";
$i--; # So the next line we scrutinize is the line before the one
# that we just went and formatted
$p->[0] = 'VerbatimFormatted';
# Collapse adjacent text nodes, just for kicks.
for( my $i = 2; $i > $#$p; $i++ ) { # work forwards over the tokens except for the last
if( !ref($p->[$i]) and !ref($p->[$i + 1]) ) {
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR "_verbatim_format merges {$p->[$i]} and {$p->[$i+1]}\n";
$p->[$i] .= splice @$p, $i+1, 1; # merge
--$i; # and back up
# Now look for the last text token, and remove the terminal newline
for( my $i = $#$p; $i >= 2; $i-- ) {
# work backwards over the tokens, even the first
if( !ref($p->[$i]) ) {
if($p->[$i] =~ s/\n$//s) {
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR "_verbatim_format killed the terminal newline on #$i: {$p->[$i]}, after {$p->[$i-1]}\n";
} else {
DEBUG > 5 and print STDERR
"No terminal newline on #$i: {$p->[$i]}, after {$p->[$i-1]} !?\n";
last; # we only want the next one
sub _treelet_from_formatting_codes {
# Given a paragraph, returns a treelet. Full of scary tokenizing code.
# Like [ '~Top', {'start_line' => $start_line},
# "I like ",
# [ 'B', {}, "pie" ],
# "!"
# ]
# This illustrates the general format of a treelet. It is an array:
# [0] is a scalar indicating its type. In the example above, the
# types are '~Top' and 'B'
# [1] is a hash of various flags about it, possibly empty
# [2] - [N] are an ordered list of the subcomponents of the treelet.
# Scalars are literal text, refs are sub-treelets, to
# arbitrary levels. Stringifying a treelet will recursively
# stringify the sub-treelets, concatentating everything
# together to form the exact text of the treelet.
my($self, $para, $start_line, $preserve_space) = @_;
my $treelet = ['~Top', {'start_line' => $start_line},];
unless ($preserve_space || $self->{'preserve_whitespace'}) {
$para =~ s/\s+/ /g; # collapse and trim all whitespace first.
$para =~ s/ $//;
$para =~ s/^ //;
# Only apparent problem the above code is that N<< >> turns into
# N<< >>. But then, word wrapping does that too! So don't do that!
# As a Start-code is encountered, the number of opening bracket '<'
# characters minus 1 is pushed onto @stack (so 0 means a single bracket,
# etc). When closing brackets are found in the text, at least this number
# (plus the 1) will be required to mean the Start-code is terminated. When
# those are found, @stack is popped.
my @stack;
my @lineage = ($treelet);
my $raw = ''; # raw content of L<> fcode before splitting/processing
# XXX 'raw' is not 100% accurate: all surrounding whitespace is condensed
# into just 1 ' '. Is this the regex's doing or 'raw's? Answer is it's
# the 'collapse and trim all whitespace first' lines just above.
my $inL = 0;
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "Paragraph:\n$para\n\n";
# Here begins our frightening tokenizer RE. The following regex matches
# text in four main parts:
# * Start-codes. The first alternative matches C< or C<<, the latter
# followed by some whitespace. $1 will hold the entire start code
# (including any space following a multiple-angle-bracket delimiter),
# and $2 will hold only the additional brackets past the first in a
# multiple-bracket delimiter. length($2) + 1 will be the number of
# closing brackets we have to find.
# * Closing brackets. Match some amount of whitespace followed by
# multiple close brackets. The logic to see if this closes anything
# is down below. Note that in order to parse C<< >> correctly, we
# have to use look-behind (?<=\s\s), since the match of the starting
# code will have consumed the whitespace.
# * A single closing bracket, to close a simple code like C<>.
# * Something that isn't a start or end code. We have to be careful
# about accepting whitespace, since perlpodspec says that any whitespace
# before a multiple-bracket closing delimiter should be ignored.
while($para =~
# Match starting codes, including the whitespace following a
# multiple-delimiter start code. $1 gets the whole start code and
# $2 gets all but one of the <s in the multiple-bracket case.
# Match multiple-bracket end codes. $3 gets the whitespace that
# should be discarded before an end bracket but kept in other cases
# and $4 gets the end brackets themselves. ($3 can be empty if the
# construct is empty, like C<< >>, and all the white-space has been
# gobbled up already, considered to be space after the opening
# bracket. In this case we use look-behind to verify that there are
# at least 2 spaces in a row before the ">".)
(\s?>) # $5: simple end-codes
( # $6: stuff containing no start-codes or end-codes
# whitespace is ok, but we don't want to eat the whitespace before
# a multiple-bracket end code.
# NOTE: we may still have problems with e.g. S<< >>
) {
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "\nParagraphic tokenstack = (@stack)\n";
if(defined $1) {
my $bracket_count; # How many '<<<' in a row this has. Needed for
# Pod::Simple::JustPod
if(defined $2) {
DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "Found complex start-text code \"$1\"\n";
$bracket_count = length($2) + 1;
push @stack, $bracket_count; # length of the necessary complex
# end-code string
} else {
DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "Found simple start-text code \"$1\"\n";
push @stack, 0; # signal that we're looking for simple
$bracket_count = 1;
my $code = substr($1,0,1);
if ('L' eq $code) {
if ($inL) {
$raw .= $1;
$self->scream( $start_line,
'Nested L<> are illegal. Pretending inner one is '
. 'X<...> so can continue looking for other errors.');
$code = "X";
else {
$raw = ""; # reset raw content accumulator
$inL = @stack;
} else {
$raw .= $1 if $inL;
push @lineage, [ $code, {}, ]; # new node object
# Tell Pod::Simple::JustPod how many brackets there were, but to save
# space, not in the most usual case of there was just 1. It can be
# inferred by the absence of this element. Similarly, if there is more
# than one bracket, extract the white space between the final bracket
# and the real beginning of the interior. Save that if it isn't just a
# single space
if ($self->{'_output_is_for_JustPod'} && $bracket_count > 1) {
$lineage[-1][1]{'~bracket_count'} = $bracket_count;
my $lspacer = substr($1, 1 + $bracket_count);
$lineage[-1][1]{'~lspacer'} = $lspacer if $lspacer ne " ";
push @{ $lineage[-2] }, $lineage[-1];
} elsif(defined $4) {
DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "Found apparent complex end-text code \"$3$4\"\n";
# This is where it gets messy...
if(! @stack) {
# We saw " >>>>" but needed nothing. This is ALL just stuff then.
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR " But it's really just stuff.\n";
push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $3, $4;
} elsif(!$stack[-1]) {
# We saw " >>>>" but needed only ">". Back pos up.
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR " And that's more than we needed to close simple.\n";
push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $3; # That was a for-real space, too.
pos($para) = pos($para) - length($4) + 1;
} elsif($stack[-1] == length($4)) {
# We found " >>>>", and it was exactly what we needed. Commonest case.
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR " And that's exactly what we needed to close complex.\n";
} elsif($stack[-1] < length($4)) {
# We saw " >>>>" but needed only " >>". Back pos up.
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR " And that's more than we needed to close complex.\n";
pos($para) = pos($para) - length($4) + $stack[-1];
} else {
# We saw " >>>>" but needed " >>>>>>". So this is all just stuff!
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR " But it's really just stuff, because we needed more.\n";
push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $3, $4;
#print STDERR "\nHOOBOY ", scalar(@{$lineage[-1]}), "!!!\n";
if ($3 ne " " && $self->{'_output_is_for_JustPod'}) {
if ($3 ne "") {
$lineage[-1][1]{'~rspacer'} = $3;
elsif ($lineage[-1][1]{'~lspacer'} eq " ") {
# Here we had something like C<< >> which was a false positive
delete $lineage[-1][1]{'~lspacer'};
else {
= substr($lineage[-1][1]{'~lspacer'}, -1, 1);
chop $lineage[-1][1]{'~lspacer'};
push @{ $lineage[-1] }, '' if 2 == @{ $lineage[-1] };
# Keep the element from being childless
if ($inL == @stack) {
$lineage[-1][1]{'raw'} = $raw;
$inL = 0;
pop @stack;
pop @lineage;
$raw .= $3.$4 if $inL;
} elsif(defined $5) {
DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "Found apparent simple end-text code \"$5\"\n";
if(@stack and ! $stack[-1]) {
# We're indeed expecting a simple end-code
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR " It's indeed an end-code.\n";
if(length($5) == 2) { # There was a space there: " >"
push @{ $lineage[-1] }, ' ';
} elsif( 2 == @{ $lineage[-1] } ) { # Closing a childless element
push @{ $lineage[-1] }, ''; # keep it from being really childless
if ($inL == @stack) {
$lineage[-1][1]{'raw'} = $raw;
$inL = 0;
pop @stack;
pop @lineage;
} else {
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR " It's just stuff.\n";
push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $5;
$raw .= $5 if $inL;
} elsif(defined $6) {
DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "Found stuff \"$6\"\n";
push @{ $lineage[-1] }, $6;
$raw .= $6 if $inL;
# XXX does not capture multiplace whitespaces -- 'raw' ends up with
# at most 1 leading/trailing whitespace, why not all of it?
# Answer, because we deliberately trimmed it above
} else {
# should never ever ever ever happen
DEBUG and print STDERR "AYYAYAAAAA at line ", __LINE__, "\n";
die "SPORK 512512!";
if(@stack) { # Uhoh, some sequences weren't closed.
my $x= "...";
while(@stack) {
push @{ $lineage[-1] }, '' if 2 == @{ $lineage[-1] };
# Hmmmmm!
my $code = (pop @lineage)->[0];
my $ender_length = pop @stack;
if($ender_length) {
$x = $code . ("<" x $ender_length) . " $x " . (">" x $ender_length);
} else {
$x = $code . "<$x>";
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Unterminated $x sequence\n";
"Unterminated $x sequence",
return $treelet;
sub text_content_of_treelet { # method: $parser->text_content_of_treelet($lol)
return stringify_lol($_[1]);
sub stringify_lol { # function: stringify_lol($lol)
my $string_form = '';
_stringify_lol( $_[0] => \$string_form );
return $string_form;
sub _stringify_lol { # the real recursor
my($lol, $to) = @_;
for(my $i = 2; $i < @$lol; ++$i) {
if( ref($lol->[$i] || '') and UNIVERSAL::isa($lol->[$i], 'ARRAY') ) {
_stringify_lol( $lol->[$i], $to); # recurse!
} else {
$$to .= $lol->[$i];
sub _dump_curr_open { # return a string representation of the stack
my $curr_open = $_[0]{'curr_open'};
return '[empty]' unless @$curr_open;
return join '; ',
map {;
($_->[0] eq '=for')
? ( ($_->[1]{'~really'} || '=over')
. ' ' . $_->[1]{'target'})
: $_->[0]
my %pretty_form = (
"\a" => '\a', # ding!
"\b" => '\b', # BS
"\e" => '\e', # ESC
"\f" => '\f', # FF
"\t" => '\t', # tab
"\cm" => '\cm',
"\cj" => '\cj',
"\n" => '\n', # probably overrides one of either \cm or \cj
'"' => '\"',
'\\' => '\\\\',
'$' => '\\$',
'@' => '\\@',
'%' => '\\%',
'#' => '\\#',
sub pretty { # adopted from Class::Classless
# Not the most brilliant routine, but passable.
# Don't give it a cyclic data structure!
my @stuff = @_; # copy
my $x;
my $out =
# join ",\n" .
join ", ",
map {;
if(!defined($_)) {
} elsif(ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' or ref($_) eq 'Pod::Simple::LinkSection') {
$x = "[ " . pretty(@$_) . " ]" ;
} elsif(ref($_) eq 'SCALAR') {
$x = "\\" . pretty($$_) ;
} elsif(ref($_) eq 'HASH') {
my $hr = $_;
$x = "{" . join(", ",
map(pretty($_) . '=>' . pretty($hr->{$_}),
sort keys %$hr ) ) . "}" ;
} elsif(!length($_)) { q{''} # empty string
} elsif(
$_ eq '0' # very common case
and $_ ne '-0' # the strange case that RE lets thru
) { $_;
} else {
# Yes, explicitly name every character desired. There are shorcuts one
# could make, but I (Karl Williamson) was afraid that some Perl
# releases would have bugs in some of them. For example [A-Z] works
# even on EBCDIC platforms to match exactly the 26 uppercase English
# letters, but I don't know if it has always worked without bugs. It
# seemed safest just to list the characters.
# s<([^\x20\x21\x23\x27-\x3F\x41-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])>
s<([^ !"#'()*+,\-./0123456789:;\<=\>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~])>
<$pretty_form{$1} || '\\x{'.sprintf("%x", ord($1)).'}'>eg;
#<$pretty_form{$1} || '\\x'.(unpack("H2",$1))>eg;
} @stuff;
# $out =~ s/\n */ /g if length($out) < 75;
return $out;
# A rather unsubtle method of blowing away all the state information
# from a parser object so it can be reused. Provided as a utility for
# backward compatibility in Pod::Man, etc. but not recommended for
# general use.
sub reinit {
my $self = shift;
foreach (qw(source_dead source_filename doc_has_started
start_of_pod_block content_seen last_was_blank paras curr_open
line_count pod_para_count in_pod ~tried_gen_errata all_errata errata errors_seen
Title)) {
delete $self->{$_};