Linux lhjmq-records 5.15.0-118-generic #128-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 5 09:28:59 UTC 2024 x86_64
Your IP :
//App settings
function thatDuration($sec){
if(round($days)) $timestring.=round($days)."d ";
if(round($hours)) $timestring.=round($hours)."h ";
if(round($minutes)) $timestring.=round($minutes)."mn";
if(!round($minutes)&&!round($hours)&&!round($days)) $timestring.=" ".round($seconds)."s";
return $timestring;
$allowed_adresses = array(
'', // Sajy's office routers
'', // ES Work
'', // ES Home
'', // ES Home
'', // ES Home (ext. IP)
if(in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $allowed_adresses) == true) { // Sajy's office routers
if ($appSettings->accessing_from_development_workstation) {
$useCustomVersion = TRUE;
if ($useCustomVersion)
INFO_GENERAL 1 The configuration line, php.ini location, build date, Web Server, System and more.
INFO_CREDITS 2 PHP Credits. See also phpcredits().
INFO_CONFIGURATION 4 Current Local and Master values for PHP directives. See also ini_get().
INFO_MODULES 8 Loaded modules and their respective settings. See also get_loaded_extensions().
INFO_ENVIRONMENT 16 Environment Variable information that's also available in $_ENV.
INFO_VARIABLES 32 Shows all predefined variables from EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server).
INFO_LICENSE 64 PHP License information. See also the license FAQ.
INFO_ALL -1 Shows all of the above. This is the default value.
$phpinfo = ob_get_contents();
echo "<p><b>SYSTEM INFORMATION</b></p>";
if (FALSE === ($uname = posix_uname())) {
echo "Could not get system information.<br>";
} else {
echo "System Name: " . $uname["nodename"]."<br>";
echo ('Development server: '. (($appSettings->running_on_development_server) ? "yes" : "no") . "<br>");
//echo $phpinfo;
//Connection data
$mysql_host = "localhost";
$mysql_user = "lhjmq_readonly";
$mysql_pass = "45GhiLk19cQ";
$mysql_db = "lhjmq_pii";
$stat_db = "lhjmqstats_pii";
$mysql_link = @mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass);
exit('MySQL is not responding'."<br>");
} else {
echo ('MySQL is responding'."<br>");
if(!@mysql_select_db($mysql_db, $mysql_link)){
exit('MySQL [' . $mysql_db . '] db is not avalaible'."<br>");
} else {
echo ('MySQL [' . $mysql_db . '] db is avalaible'."<br>");
if(!@mysql_select_db($stat_db, $mysql_link)){
exit('MySQL [' . $stat_db . '] db is not avalaible'."<br>");
} else {
echo ('MySQL [' . $stat_db . '] db is avalaible'."<br>");
$result = mysql_query($sql='SHOW MASTER STATUS', $mysql_link);
if (!$result) {
echo "Could not successfully run query ($sql) from DB: " . mysql_error() ."<br>";
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
echo "MySQL Master replication is NOT ACTIVATED"."<br>";
} else {
$replication_status = "UP";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo 'File = [' .$row["File"] . "]<br>";
echo 'Position = ' .$row["Position"] . "<br>";
if ($replication_status != "UP") {
echo "MySQL Master replication is DOWN"."<br>";
} else {
echo ('MySQL Master replication is UP'."<br>");
$result = mysql_query($sql='SHOW SLAVE STATUS', $mysql_link);
if (!$result) {
echo "Could not successfully run query ($sql) from DB: " . mysql_error() ."<br>";
$seconds_behind_master = 0;
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
echo "MySQL Slave replication is NOT ACTIVATED"."<br>";
} else {
$replication_status = "UP";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo 'Master_Host = [' .$row["Master_Host"] . "]<br>";
echo 'Master_User = [' .$row["Master_User"] . "]<br>";
echo 'Slave_IO_Running = [' .$row["Slave_IO_Running"] . "]<br>";
echo 'Slave_SQL_Running = [' .$row["Slave_SQL_Running"] . "]<br>";
$seconds_behind_master = $row["Seconds_Behind_Master"];
echo 'Seconds_Behind_Master = [' .$row["Seconds_Behind_Master"] . "]<br>";
if ($replication_status != "UP") {
echo "MySQL Slave replication is DOWN"."<br>";
} else {
echo ('MySQL Slave replication is UP'."<br>");
if ($seconds_behind_master + 0 > 30) {
echo ('<font style="color:red">Warning: MySQL Slave server is "late"! (' . thatDuration($seconds_behind_master) . ' behind Master)</font>'."<br>");
exit('<br><b>System appears to be working properly</b>'."<br>");
} else {
header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbiden');