Linux lhjmq-records 5.15.0-118-generic #128-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 5 09:28:59 UTC 2024 x86_64
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* Copyright (C) 2006 Netsimplify Solutions, Inc.
* This page returns games results for the current day in an XML format.
* Based on RDS (Reseau des sports) requirements
* 20060907 sb@netsimplify
// Misc settings
$today = date("Y-m-d");
$period = array("A", "1", "2", "3", "OT1", "OT2", "OT3", "OT4", "OT5", "OT6");
// Set the appropriate content-type for an XML document
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
// XML header
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
echo "<games>\n";
// Select games that are scheduled for today
$result = mysql_query("SELECT nom_equipe_dom, nom_equipe_vis, heure_match, match_fin, periode, but_vis, but_dom FROM parties WHERE date_match = '" . $today . "'", $mysql_link);
// For each game, output our <game></game> block
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo " <game ligue=\"lhjmq\" date=\"" . $today . "\" heure=\"" . $row["heure_match"] . "\">\n";
echo " <awayteam>" . $row["nom_equipe_vis"] . "</awayteam>\n";
echo " <hometeam>" . $row["nom_equipe_dom"] . "</hometeam>\n";
echo " <awayscore>" . $row["but_vis"] . "</awayscore>\n";
echo " <homescore>" . $row["but_dom"] . "</homescore>\n";
// Period can be either A (avant-match), 1, 2, 3, OT1, OT2... OT6, F (ended)
echo " <period>";
if ($row["match_fin"] !== "00:00:00") echo "F"; // Ended
else echo $period[$row["periode"]];
echo "</period>\n";
echo " </game>\n";
// Done
echo "</games>";
// Close database connection